Single Grain Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click Services in San Francisco Thu, 15 Jun 2023 21:45:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Overcoming Creative Burnout: Revitalizing Your Marketing Content Ideas Fri, 16 Jun 2023 20:00:05 +0000 Creative burnout can be a daunting phenomenon for content creators and marketers alike. Whether you’re experiencing a creative block, content idea fatigue or an overwhelming pressure to pump out creative...

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Creative burnout can be a daunting phenomenon for content creators and marketers alike. Whether you’re experiencing a creative block, content idea fatigue or an overwhelming pressure to pump out creative content, it’s really hard to feel inspired or productive.

So what do you do when burnout strikes and you’re running out of ideas?

In this blog post, we’ll explore effective remedies to combat the exhaustion and loss of motivation that often comes with creative burnout.

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Explore Alternative Angles

When you find your creative energy waning, it’s essential to explore alternative angles within your niche to reignite your passion and prevent burnout. By shifting your focus and exploring new perspectives, you can discover fresh ideas and approaches that will breathe new life into your content creation.

Here are some key strategies to help you embrace alternative angles and keep your creativity flowing:

  • Identify New Content Formats: If you’ve been primarily creating content in a specific format, such as blog posts or how-to videos, consider branching out and experimenting with different content formats.

Explore avenues like podcasts, infographics, interactive quizzes or live streams to present your ideas in unique and engaging ways. This diversification allows you to tap into different creative strengths and opens up opportunities to connect with your audience in novel ways.

Google’s Search Quality Rater’s Guidelines infographic

  • Conduct Interviews and Expert Collaborations: Seek out industry experts, thought leaders or influencers within your niche and invite them for interviews or collaborations. Conducting long-form interviews with experts not only provides valuable insights for your audience but also exposes you to new perspectives and ideas.

By featuring diverse voices and opinions, you can introduce fresh angles and thought-provoking discussions into your content. Additionally, collaborating with experts allows you to tap into their expertise and credibility, enhancing the value of your content.

  • Explore Adjacent Topics: While staying within your niche is important, exploring adjacent topics can expand your content horizons and spark renewed creativity. Look for topics that are tangentially related to your niche and find ways to connect them back to your core content.

For example, if you specialize in fitness, you can explore topics like nutrition, mental well-being or lifestyle habits that complement your fitness content. This exploration not only adds variety to your content but also attracts a broader audience and keeps your creative energy flowing.

  • Seek Inspiration from Other Industries: Don’t limit your sources of inspiration to your niche alone. Look beyond your industry and explore content from unrelated fields or industries. Draw inspiration from diverse sources such as art, technology, fashion or even nature. Studying how other industries approach content creation can help you gain a fresh perspective and new, iterative ideas that can be applied to your own future content.
  • Encourage Audience Participation: Engage your audience by inviting them to contribute ideas, suggestions or questions related to your content. Encouraging audience participation not only fosters a sense of community but also provides you with valuable insights into their interests and needs. You can incorporate their ideas or answer their questions in your content, creating a collaborative environment that fuels your creativity and keeps your content fresh and relevant.

Learn More: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About 10x Content

Take Breaks and Sabbaticals

Sometimes, the best remedy for creative burnout is to step away from content creation for a while.

Follow the example of successful creators like Vanessa Lau, who occasionally take breaks or sabbaticals to recharge. Vanessa Lau YouTube channel

By allowing yourself the luxury of open space and time away from the constant grind, you can return to your work with renewed vigor and fresh ideas. Plan periodic breaks, whether it’s a vacation or a dedicated sabbatical, to cultivate creativity and prevent burnout.

Here’s how incorporating breaks into your routine can revitalize your creative energy:

  • Create Space for Reflection: Taking a break from content creation allows you to gain perspective and reflect on your work. When you’re caught up in the daily grind, it can be challenging to see the bigger picture. Let yourself step back for a moment and create a space to evaluate your progress, identify areas for improvement, and reassess your goals.
  • Replenish Mental and Physical Energy: Content creation requires not only mental agility but also physical stamina. Over time, the constant demands of researching, writing, and editing can drain both your mental and physical energy. Engage in activities that relax and recharge you, whether it’s spending time outdoors, pursuing hobbies, exercising or simply resting.
  • Cultivate Inspiration: Sometimes, inspiration needs room to breathe. Traveling, exploring different cultures, engaging in art, or immersing yourself in nature can ignite inspiration and infuse your creative work with fresh perspectives. Experiencing new stimuli helps break the monotony and sparks your creativity, enabling you to approach your content creation with renewed vigor.
  • Set Boundaries and Disconnect: Burnout often stems from an inability to detach from work and constant connectivity. During your break, establish clear boundaries by disconnecting from work-related devices and platforms. Avoid checking emails, viewing social media notifications or engaging in work-related discussions. When you disconnect from the hustle and bustle of your normal routine, you allow your mind to rest, reducing stress and paving the way for fresh ideas to emerge when you return to your creative endeavors.
  • Return with Intention: When your break comes to an end, approach your return to content creation with intention. Reflect on the insights and inspiration gained during your time away and channel them into your work. Consider making necessary adjustments or introducing new elements to infuse novelty and excitement into your content.

Learn More: 10 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Productive All Day Long

Get Help Where You Need It Most

Content creation can be an overwhelming project that requires recurring, fresh ideas, but with the right systems, processes, and support in place, you can alleviate the pressure and prevent creative burnout.

Here are key strategies to help you streamline your workflow and maximize your creative potential:

Implement Efficient Systems

Developing efficient systems is crucial for maintaining consistency and productivity in content creation. Consider utilizing tools like Chat GPT or Jasper AI to generate ideas and streamline the writing process:Jasper home page

These AI-powered resources can provide valuable assistance in generating content and relieving the pressure of constant ideation.

Additionally, explore content management systems (CMS) and project management tools to organize your workflow, schedule content creation tasks and track progress. With the right systems in place, you can optimize your time and focus on the creative aspects of content creation.

Delegate and Outsource

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and delegate tasks accordingly. If certain aspects of content creation, such as design or research, are not your strong suit or drain your energy, consider outsourcing those tasks.

Hiring freelancers or collaborating with specialists can ensure high-quality work while allowing you to focus on the areas where you excel and feel passionate. Delegating responsibilities also frees up your time and mental space, reducing the likelihood of burnout.

Collaborate with a Team

Building a reliable team of content creators and collaborators can be invaluable in combating creative burnout. Surround yourself with individuals who share your vision and bring diverse perspectives to the table.

Collaborating with team members allows for brainstorming sessions, idea exchanges, and mutual support:

Notion, an all-in-one workspace for managing notes, tasks, calendars, databases and more - What ...

You can divide tasks, share the workload, and benefit from each other’s expertise. The collective energy and support of a team can reignite motivation, inspire creativity, and provide a sense of camaraderie in the content creation journey.

Leverage Outsourcing Platforms

If you’re unable to hire full-time team members, explore outsourcing platforms that connect you with freelancers and experts in various fields. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr offer a wide range of professionals who can assist you with tasks such as graphic design, video editing, copywriting, or social media management.

These platforms provide a flexible solution to access specialized skills on a project-by-project basis, alleviating the burden of content creation and promoting a more sustainable workflow.

Learn More: 7 E-commerce Marketing Tasks Every Store Owner Should Outsource

Embrace Collaboration Tools

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for remote teams or distributed content creators. Utilize collaboration tools such as project management platforms, communication apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams, and cloud storage systems to facilitate seamless collaboration and ensure efficient information sharing.

Slack GIF

These tools enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and foster effective teamwork, reducing stress and enhancing creativity.

Seek Professional Assistance

If you find yourself consistently overwhelmed and unable to manage the demands of content creation, consider seeking professional assistance from a freelance copywriter, content strategist, or digital marketing agency.

This type of help can provide valuable insights, creative direction, and strategic guidance to optimize your content creation efforts. Working with experts allows you to tap into their experience, benefit from their industry knowledge, and gain a fresh perspective on your content strategy.

Embrace Continuous Learning

Engaging in continuous learning can be a powerful antidote to creative burnout. As you explore new topics and acquire fresh knowledge, you infuse excitement into your content creation process.

Take advantage of opportunities to research and delve deeper into areas that pique your interest. This approach not only keeps you passionate but also stimulates your curiosity and opens doors to new possibilities.

Final Thoughts on Fending Off Creative Burnout

Creative burnout is a very real thing that every content creator has to deal with sooner or later. It is simply a byproduct of mental heavy lifting. With physical labor, your body will get tired. The same is true of your mental health with content creation.

However, with the right amount of rest and anticipation, you can overcome it. By choosing topics that resonate with your passion, exploring alternative angles, taking periodic breaks, implementing efficient systems, and delegating tasks, you can reignite your creative spark and prevent burnout.

Remember, prioritizing your well-being and finding joy in your work is essential for sustained creativity and long-term success.

If you need help growing your business, Single Grain’s content marketing experts can help!👇

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Repurposed from our Marketing School podcast.

The post Overcoming Creative Burnout: Revitalizing Your Marketing Content Ideas appeared first on Single Grain.

How to Get Unstuck from Marketing Stagnation Fri, 16 Jun 2023 18:00:32 +0000 Marketing stagnation is a common pitfall for businesses. It’s the proverbial quicksand where the more you struggle with the same old strategies, the deeper you sink.  So if you’re feeling...

The post How to Get Unstuck from Marketing Stagnation appeared first on Single Grain.

Marketing stagnation is a common pitfall for businesses. It’s the proverbial quicksand where the more you struggle with the same old strategies, the deeper you sink. 

So if you’re feeling stuck, how do you “unstuck” your marketing strategy?

In this post, we’ll take a look at what causes stagnation and go through several tactics to revive and refresh your strategy so you can start growing again. 

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Unveiling the Cause of Stagnation

Before we discuss how to refresh marketing strategy, let’s identify the root cause of stagnation. 

If your marketing is stuck, in most cases, the reason is because your marketing team is doing the same old stuff that you’ve been doing for ages. Although these strategies might have once produced significant results, with increased competition and the ever-evolving digital landscape, they’re probably not performing as well as they used to. 

Another reason may be that the channels you’re focusing on are diminishing. For instance, you used to get a lot of traffic from Instagram, but then their algorithm changed and now you just don’t get the same reach. 

If you’re experiencing such scenarios, it’s a sign that your marketing strategy has hit a plateau, and it’s time to boost stagnant marketing efforts so you can increase sales.

A Tactical Approach to Overcoming Marketing Plateau

When you realize that you’re dealing with stagnation, it’s time to revise your marketing strategy.

One effective way to do this is by drafting a grid that maps out all your current marketing channels and those that you’ve not yet utilized. You can create a simple spreadsheet or categorize the channels into high/low volume/ROI or any other way that makes sense to you.

The Content Grid: Content Marketing in 3 Infographics - Dreamgrow

This grid can function as a visual strategic tool to help you assess and improve your marketing approach in three ways:

  • Visualizing Your Marketing Ecosystem. With each marketing channel mapped out, you’ll have a comprehensive snapshot of where your efforts are concentrated. Are you overly focused on one particular channel, like social media or email marketing, while neglecting others? An exhaustive map can expose such disparities, giving you the opportunity to re-distribute your efforts more evenly and effectively.
  • New Channel Exploration. Your grid also highlights new marketing channels ripe for exploration. These could be platforms, tools or audience segments that you haven’t tapped into yet. Perhaps you’ve been hesitant to delve into video content, or maybe you’ve overlooked a growing demographic on a particular social media platform.
  • Critical Examination of Existing Strategies. Assess the success of each strategy by looking at the relevant data and analytics. Are certain channels underperforming or over-performing? Is there a reason for this, and how can this information guide your revised strategy?

By identifying these untapped channels, you create an opportunity to broaden your reach and potentially boost stagnant marketing efforts.

Refreshing Old Marketing Campaigns

Part of the plan to revive stagnant marketing involves reinvigorating your existing channels. Instead of focusing on what used to work, you need to experiment with these platforms using new strategies.

This doesn’t simply mean doing more of what has worked in the past. Rather, it requires a bold re-imagination of your strategies on these platforms, enabling you to approach them with a fresh perspective.

Instead of always chasing new content (hunting), why not maximize what you already have (farming)?

This is often easier and less exhausting than continually trying to come up with new ideas. 

The Power of Content Refreshing

A fundamental part of this strategy involves a drastic shift in your approach to content creation. If you have been primarily focusing on producing a large volume of new content, such as blog posts, you may find yourself stuck in a rut, spinning out content that no longer resonates with your audience or aligns with their evolving needs and interests.

Instead of persisting with this potentially ineffective strategy, consider pressing pause on the creation of new content. Take this opportunity to revitalize old marketing campaigns by revisiting and refreshing your existing content. This could mean:

  • Fix incorrect or outdated information
  • Add images/graphs/videos
  • Refresh examples
  • Include current stats and facts
  • Add new insights, data or developments in your industry
  • Mention influencers
  • Add a content upgrade
  • Write a CTA
  • Link to one or two other posts in your blog

Refreshing your old content isn’t just about making it relevant again — it’s also an excellent way to improve marketing effectiveness. Search engines value up-to-date and comprehensive content, so revising your old posts can lead to improved SEO rankings, which in turn can drive more organic traffic to your site.

Additionally, your past content might have already gained some authority or visibility in search engines. By updating these pieces, you’re building upon already established SEO equity, rather than starting from scratch with new content.

Dive Deeper: Why You Should Update Content – Or Risk Losing The Traffic You Have [Case Study]

Repurposing Content into Different Formats

Apart from updating the content, consider repurposing your old posts as well. Diversifying your content formats also allows you to reach different segments of your audience who prefer consuming content in different ways.

Here are some examples of how to repurpose your content:

  • Create blog posts: Convert your existing articles, guides or long-form content into blog posts. You can break down the main points, add visuals and optimize them for SEO to reach a wider audience.
  • Develop infographics: Condense complex information from your content into visually appealing infographics. This helps make the content more shareable on social media and can attract a different audience segment.
  • Produce videos or video series: Transform your written content into video format. You can create explainer videos, tutorials or even video series that offer insights and tips from your existing content.
  • Design SlideShare presentations: Turn your content into SlideShare presentations. This platform allows you to showcase your expertise, share valuable insights and reach professionals in your industry.
  • Craft email newsletters: Repurpose your content into a newsletter format. Summarize key points, add visuals and link back to the original content on your website. This helps keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Compile e-books or white papers: Combine related articles or blog posts into comprehensive e-books or white papers. This can be used as a lead magnet to gather email subscribers or to offer in-depth resources to your audience.
  • Create podcasts or audio content: Transform your written content into audio format, such as podcasts or audio snippets. This allows you to reach an audience that prefers audio consumption and repurpose your content for a different medium.
  • Generate social media posts: Take snippets or quotes from your content and turn them into social media posts. Add engaging visuals, ask questions or encourage discussions to drive engagement and direct users to your full content.

The strategy of reinvigorating your old marketing campaigns can give you a powerful boost in your quest to overcome marketing stagnation. By refreshing and repurposing your old content, you can breathe new life into your marketing efforts.

Dive Deeper: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About 10x Content

Experimenting with New Marketing Techniques

Experimentation should also extend to your advertising campaigns. If you’ve been fine-tuning your ads, why not try creating a remarkable landing page video? Allocate a portion of your budget to produce something unique and engaging.

The idea is to do something dramatic and drastic with your existing channels because these platforms have proven to be effective in the past. The challenge is to reignite them with more creative and remarkable strategies to captivate your audience. For instance…

Engaging Video Content

One powerful method to infuse new energy into your marketing is by creating a standout landing page video. Videos have a unique way of engaging audiences with their dynamic and immersive nature. They can simplify complex information, narrate a compelling story, and even stir strong emotions.

Take, for instance, the famous “Dollar Shave Club” video. It was a game-changer, not just for the brand but for the entire realm of digital advertising. The video is a fun, quirky and immensely memorable pitch of their product, setting the brand apart in a saturated market.

By allocating a part of your budget to create something equally unique, you can significantly boost your marketing efforts.

Dive Deeper: 18 Engaging Video Content Types that People Love to Watch

Interactive Marketing

Interactive marketing is another innovative strategy to rejuvenate your existing channels. This involves creating content or features that require the users’ active engagement, such as quizzes, surveys, interactive videos or even augmented reality experiences.

For example, IKEA’s augmented reality app, IKEA Place, lets customers see how furniture would look and fit in their own space. This unique, interactive marketing technique not only provides valuable assistance to customers, but also creates a memorable user experience that can increase brand loyalty.

IKEA's augmented reality app, IKEA Place

User-Generated Content

Finally, consider leveraging user-generated content. UGC can take many forms, from reviews and testimonials to user-created photos, videos or other content related to your brand.

An excellent example of this is Lush Cosmetics‘ “#LushLife” campaign. The company encourages its customers to share photos of their Lush products or their experiences in Lush stores using the hashtag #LushLife on social media platforms:

Lush Cosmetics' "#LushLife" campaign

This UGC not only generates a wealth of content that the company can share on its official channels, but it also helps build a community of loyal customers and fans. It turns customers into brand advocates, which can significantly amplify your brand’s reach and influence.

GoPro, one of the best small action cameras, does UGC seriously well. They kickstarted this marketing strategy by hiring professional stuntmen to film extreme sports with the GoPro, which led to 6,000+ UGC videos being uploaded to their YouTube channel every day:

The goal here is not just about trying something new, but to undertake a significant and dramatic shift in your marketing approach. After all, these existing channels have proven to be effective in the past, so the challenge is to find innovative ways to reignite them and elevate your marketing effectiveness. 

The Importance of Messaging and Offers

Another key to reviving stagnant marketing and boosting marketing performance is the role of messaging – particularly your headlines, sub-headlines and offer.

Changing up your headlines and sub-headlines can make a significant difference. And an enticing offer can be a game-changer. These elements, when crafted with thought and imagination, can significantly improve your marketing effectiveness.

Revitalizing Headlines and Sub-headlines

Your headlines and subheadings are the first elements that your potential customers interact with. They serve as the bait that draws in the reader and convinces them to engage with your content further.

For example, the cosmetic brand Glossier excels at creating engaging headlines. They often use powerful and emotive phrases like “Skincare first, makeup second” and “Beauty inspired by real life”:

Glossier makeup brand Instagram page

These headlines immediately communicate the brand’s ethos and its unique approach to cosmetics, piquing the curiosity of potential customers.

It’s essential to continuously refresh these elements to maintain their effectiveness. A/B testing headlines can offer valuable insights into what resonates best with your audience, allowing you to continuously refine and improve your messaging.

Power of a Compelling Offer

In addition to strong messaging, your offer is a crucial tool to capture and retain your audience’s attention. It’s not just about what you’re selling, but how you’re selling it. Your offer needs to be compelling enough that it convinces your target audience that they need your product or service.

A classic example is Domino’s Pizza’s offer: “You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less — or it’s free.” This offer is clear, compelling and provides a guarantee, thereby creating a strong incentive for customers to choose Domino’s.

Domino's Pizza 30 minute or free deal

Another great example is Zappos’ free shipping and 365-day return policy, an offer that they display everywhere, not just on their shipping page:

Zappos free shipping

This offer directly addresses common customer concerns about buying shoes online — fitting and return policies. As a result, it has played a significant role in establishing Zappos as a leading online shoe retailer.

Constantly refining your headlines and subheadings and creating compelling offers can help rejuvenate stagnant marketing, improve marketing effectiveness, and drive more traffic and see better conversion rates for your business.

Zig When Others Zag

The key to overcoming the marketing plateau and seeing more growth in customers and revenue lies in innovating your existing channels, experimenting with new strategies, and continually capturing your audience’s attention.

How do you get unstuck when it comes to your marketing efforts?

It’s about zigging when others zag, embracing innovation, and doing something new and different. Often, the channels that once worked for you stop delivering because audiences get used to your tactics. So, shake things up. Change your approach. Make your brand memorable.

If you’re ready to grow your business, Single Grain’s marketing & growth experts can help!👇

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Repurposed from our Marketing School podcast.

The post How to Get Unstuck from Marketing Stagnation appeared first on Single Grain.

Different Types of Online Advertising to Increase Brand Awareness Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:00:14 +0000 Is your company starting a new advertising campaign? Or maybe you’re interested in expanding your existing online ads. If so, you will need to have a better understanding of the...

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Is your company starting a new advertising campaign? Or maybe you’re interested in expanding your existing online ads. If so, you will need to have a better understanding of the different types of online advertising to attract the right consumers and convert leads.

From native to display ads, this article will break down the different types of online advertising you may wish to consider for your marketing plan.

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Display Ads

As the name suggests, display ads are visual. The best examples of this type of advertisement have compelling imagery that will make viewers want to click on them. Over the last few years, display digital advertising has evolved. Advertisers can include more enticing elements like sound, rich text, and animations. They can also be in video format.

Brands can also include information such as demographics and industry in their display online advertising campaign to ensure their ads appear on relevant websites.

Types of Display Ads

When creating display web advertising, several different ad types can be used, each with its own benefits to your marketing efforts.

Some display ads are more popular among advertisers than others. Here are the most frequently used options to help you decide which to incorporate into your marketing plan.

Note: We will discuss some of the most prominent ones, such as native ads, later in the article.

Banner Ads

This is one of the most common types of display online advertising. Banner ads usually appear on the top, bottom, or sides of a web page. They combine imagery and text to promote products and services, though more advertisers are switching banner ads to video format.

Banner ads are available in different sizes and orientations. Viewers most commonly see them on news websites, blogs, forums, and email platforms.

DieselNet Sponsorship: Banner Ads

Pop-up Ads

As the name suggests, these ads pop up on a screen and include a call-to-action. The CTA varies, depending on the online advertising goal; they can either compel users to sign up for a service or newsletter, learn about a product or brand, or purchase products.

These pop-up ads appear as small boxes on a web page, and viewers can choose to take action or click off the ad. They usually appear after a viewer spends several seconds on a web page.


Interstitial Ads

Interstitial online advertising is popular for mobile ads. They appear in apps, such as games, and appear during transitions. Interstitial ads are a solution for freemium apps, where users can opt to watch an ad instead of paying for the app. This way, app owners can still generate revenue on mobile devices.

For example, if users are on an app such as DuoLingo, an interstitial ad will appear between lessons:Example of an interstitial online ad

These ads can be in video or image format and usually include text. Different ad platforms can optimize your ads for specific apps, so you can reach your target audience and convert more leads.

Interactive Ads

Interactive online advertising has features that entice users to engage with the content. This can include playing a game, dressing a character, or filling out a survey.

These ads are most beneficial for promoting products with direct interaction. Games are one of the best examples; users can play the game and click the mobile advertising link in the ad to download the game.

Dive Deeper: 7 Key Benefits of Using Responsive Display Ads

Ads for Search Engines

Search ads are one of the most successful types of online advertising, especially if you invest in Google Ads.

This is a form of search engine marketing where you pay for the top result on SERPs, positioning your brand to be displayed to those searching for relevant keywords or phrases.Google ads showing up in the SERPs

Google Ads have an average conversion rate of 4.40%. What separates search ads from other types is you’re targeting users who are ready to act. They’re actively searching for products/services or even recommendations.

Search ads appear at the top and bottom of the SERPs, positioning them so users are likelier to click the search ad and act. Plus, search ads are an easy way to reach your target audience. You’re investing in keywords your audience searches for, tapping into their wants, needs, and pain points.

This ad type is effective for desktop and mobile advertising:

59% of users perform searches on mobile devices, whereas desktop search usage is 39%.

Types of Ads for Search Engines

When most people think of search ads, they think of text online advertising. These appear on the top and bottom of search results for both desktop and mobile advertising.

Advertisers bid on specific keywords to ensure that your ad appears when users search for those terms. They can be branded terms or general inquiries.

Google Ads also offers display options for e-commerce companies. These ads appear when users enter a query that indicates a potential purchase opportunity, such as “best printers,” and Google will display sponsored products. Users can either click on the individual products or select “More on Google” to visit the Google Shopping listings (more on that next).

Google Shopping Ads

As stated previously, Shopping is a Google Ads section where it displays products from all over the web, depending on your search terms and the product’s popularity.

This feature is available on desktop and mobile devices. It is free for sellers, but e-commerce companies can invest in Google Shopping online advertising campaigns to improve the visibility of their items.

Google shopping ad

Unlike traditional search paid advertising, Google Shopping ads are visual. They feature an image of the product with the headline, price, and other benefits, such as “free shipping.” The sponsored products appear before the organic results so that shoppers can browse these products first.

Brick-and-mortar stores can also take advantage of Google Shopping’s local features. Bidding on local keywords, including those featuring a city or zip code, will draw more foot traffic into your store.

E-Commerce Ads

Google isn’t the only platform that offers online advertising features for e-commerce companies. Nearly every major e-commerce marketplace offers ad space for sellers, whether you promote specific products or your brand as a whole.

E-commerce advertising offers many benefits to sellers for both desktop and mobile devices. With the right retargeting strategy (which we will cover later), you’ll continue seeing a healthy flow of leads down the sales funnel.

These ads are also an effective search engine marketing method. Many popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Etsy have powerful search engines. Optimizing your listings for e-commerce SERPs will continue putting your brand in the face of consumers seeking products like yours.

Types of E-Commerce Ads

Sellers can focus their e-commerce online advertising strategies on different platforms and create the types of ads that these marketplaces allow.

Some examples of e-commerce marketplaces perfect for ad campaigns include:

  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • eBay
  • Wayfair
  • Etsy
  • Houzz

Many of the online advertisements we will mention apply to alle-commerce campaigns regardless of the platform, but it’s best to tailor your advertising strategy to the specific platforms.

For example, Amazon is one of the most diverse marketplaces for advertising. They allow numerous advertising opportunities, such as search engine, video, native, and display advertising.

However, eBay only offers three types of ads: display ads, classified ads, and promoted listings.

Dive Deeper:
* How to Improve Your Amazon Ads to Increase Sales
* 10 Best Facebook Advertising Strategies to Drive More Revenue
* The Power of Social Shopping on Instagram (and How to Sell More)

Local Ads

Brick-and-mortar store businesses also have a major opportunity with online advertising. Since 46% of Google search engine results are for local information, these businesses can increase visibility and foot traffic with a local online ad.

With local advertising, small businesses and stores can promote their products/services and entice their local market to support their business.

Focusing on local advertising also helps brands allocate their marketing budget strategically by focusing their ads on individuals in their geographic area that may visit their physical location.

Google local ads

Types of Local Ads

Businesses can use most main online advertising types to target their local demographic. These include display, video, and search engine ads.

For example, if organic search engine optimization isn’t generating your desired results, your brand can invest in local SEO ads.

While you can create a general promotion, such as this florist in Baltimore, you can also promote a hosted event. Local businesses can collaborate with influencers in their area to draw more geo-targeted traffic.

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Retargeting and Remarketing

Retargeting is the act of advertising to consumers who have already interacted with your business:

pasted image 0 15

Ad retargeting comes with a 0.7% CTR, and website visitors who see retargeting ads are 70% more likely to convert.

This type of online advertising also gets confused with remarketing – when you target customers who previously shopped at your e-commerce store or are current subscribers (such as for SaaS companies). These advertising strategies are very similar, and businesses can use both in their campaign.

The main reason why retargeting works is you know more about your audience, so you’re more likely to convert them. Plus, your customers are already familiar with your brand, so they move down the sales funnel faster.

To set up a retargeting campaign, you must begin with your customer demographics. Pixel-based retargeting is one of the most common techniques. Pixel is a piece of Javascript that collects first-party cookies. This way, you only use customer data for your own marketing needs.

You can use this data to plug into different advertising platforms and social media.

Companies can use these different advertising formats when creating a retargeting or remarketing strategy, with display being the most popular option.You can bid on keywords that have generated past sales to target your advertising efforts further.

Dive Deeper: How to Easily Set Up a High-Conversion Facebook Retargeting Campaign

Video Ads

Last year, video ad spend totaled nearly $75 billion USD.

There’s a reason why video ads are highly successful:

  • The average internet user watches 17 hours of online videos each week.
  • Short form video are 2.5x more engaging than long-form video.
  • This is why the CTR for video ads is 7.5x higher than for display ads.

To create videos for internet advertising, keep them short:

  • Most video ads are between 15-30 seconds long.
  • Viewers often skip video ads when they get the chance, so you have just 3-4 seconds to convert them.

Your video should be aesthetically pleasing and match your branding and niche. Write a script that speaks directly to your target audience’s pain points and offers a solution.

For best results, include on-screen captioning:

80% of viewers are more likely to finish a video with subtitles.

Most viewers prefer watching videos with the sound off, and reading the captions allows them to retain all information in the video. Captions are also more accessible to the deaf/hard-of-hearing community and to second-language learners.

Keep the music light-hearted if your video has sound, and ensure your actors speak clearly.

Dive Deeper: 8 Benefits of Video Ads: Why You Need Them in Your Advertising Strategy

Social Media Ads

Social media platforms are one of the best places for internet advertising:

60% of the world’s population is on social media.

But this isn’t the only reason brands should invest in social media online advertising. Many social media platforms offer different tools to target your audience based on core demographics, such as gender and age, as well as other aspects, such as education, job title, interests, and past purchases.

Some tools also provide additional features, such as A/B testing. For example, Meta offers this function, ensuring that businesses use the most converting advertising method, resulting in an exceptional ROI.

Types of Social Media Ads

Brands can run ads on nearly every social media platform, including:

These platforms offer a variety of online advertising methods to better target your prospects.

Facebook is arguably one of the most diverse; brands can post ads in the form of videos, GIFs, carousels, stories, display ads, and more.

However, some social media platforms are more restrictive with internet advertising. TikTok and YouTube ads are good examples – since these are video platforms, it’s best to stick to video advertising.

Should brands use all these social media platforms?

To improve your ROAS, stick to the social media outlets that your target consumers use.

For example, if your company generates more from B2B sales, you’ll have more success investing in LinkedIn advertising. 40% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is one of the most effective channels for driving business leads.

Dive Deeper: Social Media Marketing for Business Owners: How to Get Started in 2023

Native Ads

Native ads blend in with the other content, making them look more like organic posts. The best examples of native online advertising are suggested posts on news websites and blogs:Native advertising example

These ads also appear on social media feeds and stories. They look like organic posts, making users feel compelled to click on them.

This type of advertising offers many benefits to businesses and publishers. Publishers can optimize their websites for ads without sacrificing user experience or their existing web design. Unlike pop-ups and banners, native ads are non-disruptive and help to combat common advertising issues, such as ad blocking.

Many platforms optimize native ads for demographics, industries, and niches. This means your ads will appear in front of the right audience.

Since these ads blend into organic posts, 75% of web visitors trust native advertising.

There are some downsides to a native ad strategy. The FTC has strict requirements for this type of advertising. They must have a sponsored tag, and the messaging must reflect it’s an ad.

Plus, a native ad campaign can be costly. Businesses can spend as much as $1,000,000, depending on several factors. Your campaign will be more expensive if you post your ads on websites with a high DA and if the publisher has a lot of competition. Reaching certain audiences and geographical regions can also come at a higher price.

Dive Deeper: 9 Types of Online Advertising Techniques to Elevate Your Marketing

Use the Different Types of Online Advertising in Your Campaign

With all the competition online, attracting an audience can be challenging. Organic tactics, such as search engine optimization, may not convert enough leads to meet your business needs. This is why many companies use online ads to dominate the competition and increase brand awareness.

There are many types of online advertising that you can include in your campaign. Native and display ads are perfect for featuring your brand on different websites, while advertising on social media and search engines is better for targeting a specific audience.

Businesses in specific niches, such as e-commerce, can also post their ads on relevant marketplaces to convert more leads.

Look through all these ads and include the ones that will best target your audience and increase your ROI.

If you’re ready to level up your business with effective online advertising, Single Grain’s paid ads experts can help!👇

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The post Different Types of Online Advertising to Increase Brand Awareness appeared first on Single Grain.

Find the Best Instagram Marketing Agency for 2023 Thu, 15 Jun 2023 20:00:37 +0000 Hiring an Instagram marketing agency can be the best way to transform your social media strategy. Through this channel, companies can connect to customers using emotionally engaging and visual content,...

The post Find the Best Instagram Marketing Agency for 2023 appeared first on Single Grain.

Hiring an Instagram marketing agency can be the best way to transform your social media strategy.

Through this channel, companies can connect to customers using emotionally engaging and visual content, from snapshot reels to IGTV videos to simple newsfeed posts.

But this platform only delivers the right results when you know how to take full advantage of its features.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best Instagram marketing agency options, discuss the importance of Instagram marketing for businesses, and provide insights on how to choose the right agency for your specific needs.

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Understanding Instagram Marketing Agencies

Instagram marketing agencies are professional firms that assist businesses in reaching and engaging their desired audience on Instagram by providing various Instagram marketing services. 

These specialized companies offer a range of services such as content creation, influencer marketing, analytics, and Instagram advertising.

But why should businesses turn to these agencies instead of handling their Instagram marketing in-house?

Using an Instagram advertising agency facilitates the design, creation, and placement of advertisements for their clients, while also providing expertise and knowledge of the Instagram ad process. This ensures that your business’s ads are tailored specifically to your target audience, maximizing the potential for conversions.

Moreover, these agencies are adept at influencer management, which refers to the practice of sourcing, negotiating, and managing influencers to facilitate businesses in developing connections with their ideal customer base through Instagram ads and other promotional methods. 

By collaborating with an Instagram marketing agency, your business can leverage the unique opportunities offered by the platform and stay ahead in the social media landscape.

Top 5 Instagram Marketing Firms

As you venture into the world of Instagram marketing, it is crucial to partner with an agency that can help you achieve your desired results. 

Some of the top Instagram marketing agencies to consider are included in this list. Each of these agencies offers a unique set of services and expertise that can cater to your specific business needs.

Here are our top five picks.

1) Single Grain

  • Specializes In: Social media marketing, content creation, SEO
  • Top Clients: Amazon, Uber, Salesforce
  • Pricing: Custom based on your requirements

Single Grain marketing agency home page

Single Grain is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of advertising options for brands. They have the skills and experience to create content for all kinds of social media channels and can work with your business to produce full inbound marketing strategies.

The company offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of marketing agency services available today, and they’ve worked with brands, large and small, all over the world to address everything from PPC to SEO campaign success. Their Instagram experts will work with you to understand your business value proposition, market and position, and build a campaign that makes sense for you.

Part of what makes Single Grain so effective as a marketing partner is their commitment to fully customizable services. You can create the exact inbound strategy you need from scratch and access a host of reports and analytics to highlight the success of your campaigns as you work. The company even offers extensive consulting and educational services.

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2) Disruptive Advertising

  • Specializes In: Paid advertising, website optimization, creative services
  • Top Clients: Klaviyo, Adobe, Deathwish Coffee
  • Pricing: Custom based on your requirements

Disruptive Advertising home page

Offering a variety of online advertising services either provided as singular solutions or bundles, Disruptive Advertising helps you to make the right impression online. The company knows how to master all the major social networks, as well as Google Ads, for PPC campaigns. Plus, Disruptive Advertising is an expert at building effective user personas.

If you’re looking for an agency capable of helping you build the perfect online image from scratch across a variety of platforms, Disruptive Advertising has a lot to offer. The agency builds custom audiences on Facebook and Instagram on your behalf.

Disruptive Advertising also believes in the power of split testing and will work with you to develop a wide range of tests to help you learn more about your audience’s preferences. You’ll definitely walk away with a deeper knowledge of your target audience.

Dive Deeper: What Facebook’s “Meta” Rebrand Means for Marketers

3) FireBelly

  • Specializes In: Instagram advertising, influencer marketing
  • Top Clients: For Dummies, Sony, Cisco,
  • Pricing: Custom based on your requirements

FireBelly marketing home page

FireBelly is an award-winning social media marketing company committed to making companies more likable and engaging on their chosen social platforms. The company focuses exclusively on social media marketing, unlike other agencies which often combine social with inbound advertising.

With FireBelly, you can get expert guidance and support from a team capable of powering your influencer campaigns, Instagram photograph strategy and video creation. The company has even helped to create a number of leading social brands from scratch.

FireBelly’s excellent approach to bespoke customer service has earned it a strong reputation in the social media marketing landscape. The company uses proprietary research methods to learn more about your business and target audience before launching any Instagram campaigns.

4) Kairos Media

  • Specializes In: Social media marketing, content creation, inbound marketing
  • Top Clients: Rovio, Houseparty, JBL
  • Pricing: Custom based on your requirements

Kairos Media home page

One of the fastest-growing social and creative agencies in the UK and USA, Kairos Media has won a number of awards for its powerful marketing campaigns. The Kairos Media agency takes a unique approach to advertising, focusing on the perfect blend of creative ideas and scientific data.

Best known for their commitment to working hand-in-hand with their clients to create unique aesthetics on social media and eye-catching campaigns, Kairos Media knows how to make their clients stand out. The company can also provide extensive training resources to teams who want to learn more about social media marketing.

Kairos Media specialists in social media strategies which involve an artistic flair, making them ideal for companies who want to leverage the visual power of Instagram and similar channels. The company can also help with influencer marketing, and social strategy.

Dive Deeper: Best Lead Generation Tactics for Content, Email & Social Media Marketing

5) LYFE Marketing

  • Specializes In: Social media marketing, SEO, content creation
  • Top Clients: H-Massage, Cardinal Group Management, Niche Digital Brands
  • Pricing: Custom based on your requirements

Lyfe Marketing home page

LYFE Marketing is a dedicated social media marketing and content creation company specifically dedicated to helping small businesses grow larger through social media. The company has earned the attention of countless organizations over the years for their customized approach to working with each brand on unique advertising efforts.

LYFE can create your content for you from scratch, using extensive knowledge about each social media platform to ensure that every post performs perfectly. The company can also build on your Instagram strategy by connecting it with other inbound marketing campaign efforts.

Aside from assisting you with content creation, LYFE marketing can also offer services like paid social media advertising, analytics and social monitoring in order to help you capture more information about your audience.

Dive Deeper: 7 Tips to Improve Your Social Media Videos in 2023

The Benefits of Hiring an Instagram Advertising Agency

With 1.6 billion active users, Instagram provides an enormous potential for businesses to reach a wider audience and generate more leads.

While it’s possible to run Instagram campaigns on your own, it often requires extensive time and investment to really engage and connect with your audience. Hiring an Instagram advertising agency means you can take full advantage of your social media strategy without overwhelming your own marketing team or individual.

By hiring a dedicated Instagram agency, you can leverage these benefits:

  • Help engaging customers: A lot of the work involved with succeeding on Instagram involves actually engaging with your target audience. An agency can help you understand your followers, connect with them through comments and competitions, and build more relevant campaigns:

  • Stay on top of trends: Trends on Instagram are constantly changing, along with what your followers expect to see. An agency ensures that you can keep pace with your competition when it comes to producing cutting-edge content that connects with your audience. They can also help you determine which trends you should follow.
  • Explore different marketing strategies: An Instagram agency can give you a behind-the-scenes look at different social media marketing efforts and how they can influence your brand. For instance, they might help you explore the benefits of using live video on this platform or working with influencers and micro-influencers to improve your image.
  • Access to better insights: Most marketing firms have access to a wide range of tools outside of the standard Instagram Insights platform. This means they can provide deeper insights into your target audience and help you to make informed decision about future advertising campaigns.
  • Expert advice and guidance: Many advertising agencies will be able to offer extra advice on how you can expand your digital marketing strategy and improve your chances of success on Instagram and similar channels. They can even guide you on how to link different channels like Instagram and Facebook more effectively.
  • Consistent content creation: Many companies struggle with consistently producing new content to share on this social network. With an agency, this isn’t a problem. Brands can take advantage of their content creation team to constantly produce up-to-date pieces relevant to their target audience.
  • Boosting brand visibility: Producing visually appealing, high-quality content is a crucial aspect of Instagram marketing as it guarantees higher engagement and retention rates, and skilled Instagram marketers can do this well for their clients, ensuring that their brand stands out in the crowded Instagram feed.
  • Investigating applicable hashtags: By incorporating relevant and trending hashtags in your posts, your content can reach a wider audience and increase engagement. This, in turn, can boost your profile visibility, direct website traffic, and stimulate sales.
  • Community engagement: By engaging with your audience, you can create a sense of community and foster brand loyalty. This, in turn, can lead to increased brand visibility and more conversions. 
  • Establishing connections with influencers through collaboration and creating engaging content using visuals, videos, and stories can further enhance your brand’s engagement with its target audience.
  • Leveraging influencer marketing: Instagram marketing agencies often have connections to influencers and can help businesses identify and partner with relevant influencers to promote their products or services.

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What Do Instagram Marketing Agencies Do?

Instagram marketing companies come in a range of shapes and sizes to suit different needs when it comes to social media marketing. Some organizations focus exclusively on Instagram campaigns and nothing else, while others can help you build a cross-channel strategy on Facebook and Instagram.

Although the exact services offered by your chosen agency will differ, the majority of them will work with you on focused campaigns to help you connect with your audience, engage followers, build your online presence, and improve conversions. Some of the services you can expect include:

  • Designing ad campaigns: Instagram agencies can create ad campaigns for pay-per-click advertisements and organic advertising strategies on Instagram. This often involves experimenting with a variety of different content types, including short-form videos like Reels, live videos, standard photos for the Instagram news reel and IGTV content:

Instagram shoppable post

  • Scheduling and posting content: Your advertising agency will use analytics and Instagram insights to determine the best times to post your content to get the best results. They can then work with you to build and manage publishing schedules, and may also offer suggestions on when to publish different kinds of content (like Stories or photos).
  • Optimizing inbound marketing: Using Instagram as a crucial tool for content creation, agencies can help drive new traffic and leads back to your website through targeted campaigns. This can improve your inbound marketing results and boost conversions.
  • Audience analysis: Most Instagram agencies will help you to develop a deeper understanding of your target audience. They can work with you on improving your targeting strategies based on the information you collect and help with building user profiles.
  • Creating unique content: Agencies create all kinds of unique content, including copy for your Instagram ads, photos, graphics, and other visuals. They might even be able to help you find people who can voice-over your video or create animations for you.
  • Reporting: The majority of marketing agencies will offer analytical reports to show you the benefits of your promotional campaigns and help you to determine which of your strategies have the best result on your audience.

As mentioned above, many marketing agencies can also align your Instagram strategy with other social campaigns, starting with Facebook.

Dive Deeper:
* 14 Instagram Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2023
* 9 Tips for Creating Instagram Video Ads that Actually Generate Sales
* How This E-commerce Store Doubled Its Revenue Using Our Facebook Ads Advice

How to Choose an Instagram Marketing Company

When choosing an Instagram marketing agency, there are several factors to consider that will ensure a successful partnership and help you achieve your desired results.

In the following subsections, we will discuss the importance of an agency’s content creation capabilities, platform expertise, industry experience, and any red flags to avoid.

By taking these factors into account, you can make a well-informed decision and select the right agency for your business.

Content Creation Capabilities

One of the most important factors to consider when selecting an Instagram marketing agency is their content creation capabilities. As mentioned earlier, photography and video marketing are fundamental for producing captivating content that will draw the attention of potential customers. An agency’s proficiency in these areas is crucial in ensuring your brand stands out on the platform.

Creating content that is both authentic and visually appealing is essential for building trust with potential customers and establishing a positive brand image. When evaluating an agency’s content creation capabilities, businesses should assess their ability to create content that accurately reflects their brand’s message and values. This will ensure that your brand’s identity on Instagram is consistent and resonates with your target audience.

Platform Expertise

Platform expertise is essential when selecting an Instagram marketing agency, as it guarantees that the agency is well-versed in the platform and can produce content that is optimized for the platform’s features and algorithm. When evaluating an agency, businesses should seek a firm with proficiency in crafting visually appealing content, understanding Instagram’s algorithm and features, and familiarity with the business’s niche or industry.

The platform expertise to consider when selecting an agency includes their knowledge of Instagram’s features, such as Stories, Reels, and IGTV, understanding of the platform’s algorithm, and experience in the business’s niche or industry. By partnering with an agency that possesses these skills, businesses can ensure their Instagram marketing efforts are tailored to the platform and their specific audience.

Industry Experience

Industry knowledge is essential for an agency to create an appropriate aesthetic for a brand, in addition to generating ideas for content production and hashtag strategies. When selecting an Instagram marketing agency, businesses should evaluate the agency’s relevant experience and expertise in their industry or niche. Additionally, businesses may request case studies, testimonials, and examples of how the agency has assisted similar brands in the past.

An agency with prior experience in Instagram campaigns will be well-versed in the type of content necessary to make an impact. By partnering with an agency that has a proven track record in your industry, you can ensure your brand’s success on the platform and achieve your desired marketing objectives.

Access to Useful Tools

While many social platforms come with built-in reporting and analytics tools, you can often get deeper insights into your audience and marketplace by using third-party solutions. Most of the top Instagram agencies will have access to powerful tools to help give you the best possible data.

Aside from analytical tools, your agency might also leverage additional software such as Photoshop for enhancing the professional impact of your images, or scheduling software so you can always publish your content at the right time.

Dive Deeper: How to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Efforts with Content Marketing Tools

Red Flags to Watch Out For

When selecting an Instagram marketing agency, businesses should be cognizant of indications such as unrealistic promises, lack of transparency, and inadequate communication. Neglecting these red flags can potentially result in costly mistakes, lost opportunities, and failure to realize desired outcomes.

By paying attention to these red flags and taking measures to avoid them, businesses can make an informed decision and select the right agency for their Instagram marketing needs.

It’s difficult to know exactly what kind of service you’re going to get from your Instagram marketing agency straight away. However, examining each company carefully can sometimes highlight red flags, which may help you to avoid making the wrong decision. Look out for:

  • Limited reviews or case studies: If your company doesn’t have any background working with other companies on Instagram, they can’t prove themselves to you and your brand. Look for evidence that the agency is already successful.
  • Low quality software: If your agency doesn’t have access to crucial tools for video and photo editing, this can damage the appearance of your brand and make it harder to attract followers in the future.
  • Guarantees of follower growth: While Instagram agencies can help you increase your follower count, they can’t guarantee a certain number of followers in a specific time. If an agency gives you such promises, this could indicate they’re using bots and spam techniques.

Dive Deeper:
* Growing Your Brand With IGTV: A Complete Guide
* 18 Reasons Why Your Instagram Posts Fail (And What to Do About It)
* How to Turn Instagram Followers into Customers with Ephemeral Content

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing an Instagram Marketing Agency

When selecting an Instagram marketing agency, it is important to avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Not researching the company
  • Not setting clear goals
  • Not understanding the cost of services

To ensure adequate research, businesses should investigate the agency’s past clients and results, testimonials and reviews, and their reputation in the industry.

Prior to engaging an Instagram marketing agency, it is essential to articulate your objectives and expectations for the project. This will guarantee that the agency is able to satisfy your requirements and deliver the anticipated outcomes. Additionally, businesses should comprehend the cost of the agency’s services and verify that it is within their budget.

Ready to Hire the Right Instagram Marketing Agency?

Hiring the right Instagram marketing firm is a great way to give your business an edge over the countless other brands striving to stand out on the platform. With a great agency, you’ll be able to strengthen your position online and attract more customers to your store.

When choosing an Instagram marketing agency, remember to:

  • Focus on access to the right tools, like Photoshops and analytics software
  • Look for evidence of previous successes with social media
  • Ask about their skills with different kinds of Instagram content.

You can even consider asking about the company’s knowledge of features like Instagram Shopping, for increasing potential sales.

Schedule your FREE consultation with Single Grain’s Instagram experts to discuss your Instagram marketing requirements.  👇

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Instagram Marketing Agency FAQs

What do Instagram Marketing Agencies do?

Instagram Marketing Agencies help companies create, execute, and optimize effective marketing campaigns to reach their target audience on Instagram. With their expertise in the social media platform, they offer a range of services from content creation to account management to help businesses grow their presence and meet their goals.

By utilizing the right techniques, these agencies can provide successful results for businesses and build successful digital marketing campaigns.

Is Instagram marketing worth it?

Given Instagram’s large user base and the success of direct purchases on the platform, investing in Instagram marketing is certainly a worthwhile endeavor. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to create content and engage with customers, making it an ideal platform for interacting with potential customers.

How do I start a marketing agency on Instagram?

If you want to start a successful marketing agency on Instagram, the key is to start off right by defining your niche and services, setting pricing, creating a business plan, building and nurturing your clientele, and tracking your progress.

With clear objectives in mind, you can start successfully building up your marketing agency and making it thrive.

What is Instagram influencer agency?

An Instagram influencer agency connects brands and content creators working on Instagram, offering services such as brand campaigns and long-term partnerships. Through these services, companies can access a powerful platform to help grow their business.

Influencer agencies provide a unique opportunity for brands to reach a large and engaged audience. They can help create content that resonates with the target audience, and build relationships with influencers who can help spread the message.

What is an Instagram marketing agency?

Instagram Marketing Agencies are dedicated to helping businesses reach their marketing goals. They specialize in creating and managing strategic campaigns on Instagram, allowing businesses to promote their brand while staying up-to-date with the platform’s ever-evolving features.

An Instagram Marketing Agency is a specialized service that assists businesses with their Instagram marketing efforts. By providing expertise, creative solutions, and campaign management, these agencies ensure successful ad campaigns that reach desired audiences and maximize return on investment.

The post Find the Best Instagram Marketing Agency for 2023 appeared first on Single Grain.

Why You Should A/B Test Your Brand Color Thu, 15 Jun 2023 18:00:07 +0000 Your website is like a playbook for your brand. It’s used for inviting people in to discover what value you can offer them. To that end, every single detail about...

The post Why You Should A/B Test Your Brand Color appeared first on Single Grain.

Your website is like a playbook for your brand. It’s used for inviting people in to discover what value you can offer them. To that end, every single detail about it is vitally important — and that includes your brand colors.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the topic of brand color and its impact on user engagement and conversions. You might be surprised to learn how a simple color choice can make a significant difference in your online success.

Without further ado, let’s get to it.

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Why Brand Color Matters for Conversions

When visitors arrive on your website, the first thing they notice is its visual appearance. Colors evoke emotions, convey messages, and create a sense of brand identity:

color psychology in marketing - emotion color wheel

By strategically selecting brand colors, you can effectively communicate your brand’s personality and values to your target audience.

Moreover, brand colors can influence user behavior and guide visitors toward specific actions.

When used correctly, they can enhance the visibility of important elements such as call-to-action buttons, forms, and links. By making these elements stand out, you increase the likelihood of user engagement and conversions.

Consistency in brand colors across different touch points also plays a vital role in reinforcing brand recognition and building trust. When visitors encounter your brand colors consistently throughout their interactions with your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials, it creates a cohesive and memorable brand experience.

To optimize your website for conversions, it’s essential to choose brand colors that align with your brand’s values, target audience, and industry. Conducting thorough research, analyzing competitor colors, and considering color psychology can all inform your decision-making process.

Dive Deeper: The Complete Guide to Brand Building (Must-Read for Digital Marketers)

The Power of Orange

The color orange has been a topic of discussion for us recently. While some might argue that orange is one of the least engaging or inspiring colors, our experience tells a different story.

Let’s explore why we use the color orange on two websites.

Hello Bar is a company that Neil Patel used to own and generates top navigation bars and headers for websites. During the conversion testing, he discovered that the Hello Bar site, which was predominantly orange, converted notably well. This finding prompted them to run numerous A/B tests, and the results consistently showed that the orange color performed exceptionally in driving conversions.

Hello Bar home page orange theme

Single Grain is a full-service digital marketing agency (e-commerce, PPC, SEO, CRO, etc.) owned by Eric Siu, known for driving and converting quality traffic so that clients continuously hit or surpass their revenue goals.

We did a rebrand a few years ago, and we also decided to pick a new color for it. And we did the research and found that orange was one of the most engaging colors. Orange tends to stand out because not many sites are orange and it fits in well with the palette that we have.

Single Grain home page orange color theme

However, it’s important to note that excessive use of orange can be detrimental to conversions. We found that maintaining a white background with bright call-to-action buttons and strategically using orange accents improved click-through rates and boosted conversions. It required us to strike a balance between the density of orange mixed with white space on the site to get the most mileage out of the branding color.

Dive Deeper: How to Run A/B Tests that Actually Increase Conversions

Selecting Brand Colors and Brand Identity

When people visit your website, one of the first things they can mentally and visually process is the colors on your site. One of the first impressions they’ll quietly form about your brand is the attractiveness of your brand’s appearance, which includes imagery, fonts, and especially the colors.

There are plenty of different reactions and feelings commonly associated with various colors in digital marketing. For the purposes of this post, we’re highlighting the efficacy of the color orange and the feeling that is drawn out by people who see it.Psychology of orange & yellow

Orange is a color that marries the calm tranquility of yellow with the aggressive determination of red, creating a medley of feelings that drive viewers to feel comfortable while at the same time confident.

Choosing the right brand colors goes beyond personal preference or arbitrary selection. When we embarked on a rebranding journey, we conducted thorough research to identify the most engaging colors. Orange emerged as a standout choice due to its calm yet assertive nature.

While conversion studies are not always necessary, understanding the psychology behind colors can guide your decision-making process. Colors have the potential to evoke specific emotions and influence user behavior. However, it’s important to prioritize testing to find what works best for your website and target audience.

Dive Deeper: 10 Psychological Hacks to Improve Your Content Marketing

Stand Out and Pop

One of the key factors in leveraging brand colors for conversions is ensuring that your call-to-action buttons stand out. This principle applies regardless of the chosen color. Whether it’s orange, red, or any other hue, the key is to make it visually distinct and easily recognizable as a clickable element.

Neil was on a call with a company that wanted to get more software sign-ups. After looking at their website, he said, “Have you tried testing your CTA?” They said they’d tested the text, but not the color because it was within their brand color scheme. So he pointed out that the color they were using blended in with the rest of their website, so much so that it took him a while to find the CTA button.

This happens a lot more than you would think, but the fix is super simple.

Make sure that your CTA button stands out. Solve the design problem and you’ll get more clicks and conversions.

Regardless of the specific brand color you choose, the key is to make your CTAs visually distinct and easily recognizable as clickable elements. This principle applies not only to the color of the buttons but also to their design and placement.

To create CTAs that stand out and pop, consider the following strategies:

  • Color Contrast: Choose a brand color for your CTA buttons that contrasts well with the surrounding elements. This contrast helps draw attention to the buttons and makes them more noticeable. For example, if your website has a predominantly white background, a vibrant color like orange or red can create a striking contrast.
  • Size and Shape: Opt for a button size and shape that is visually appealing and differentiates it from other elements on the page. A larger and more prominent button is more likely to catch the eye and prompt action. Experiment with different shapes, such as rounded corners or unique button designs, to make them visually distinctive.
  • White Space: Surround your CTA buttons with ample white space to make them visually prominent. White space provides breathing room and helps direct the user’s attention to the button. Avoid cluttering the area around your CTAs with other elements that might distract or overshadow them. At the end of the day, white spaces are meant to diffuse the potency of your chosen brand color from being too overwhelming.
  • Button Text: Use succinct language on your CTA buttons to clearly communicate the action you want users to take. The text should be legible, contrasting with the button color for optimal readability. Experiment with different wording and copy to find the most effective messaging for your target audience.

Remember, while it’s important for your CTAs to stand out, avoid using neon bright colors or overwhelming designs that might strain users’ eyes or create a negative user experience. The goal is to strike a balance between visual appeal and usability.

Dive Deeper: How to Create Better-Converting In-Content Calls to Action (CTAs)

Testing and Refining Your Brand Colors

While research and color psychology can provide valuable insights, the true effectiveness of your brand colors can only be determined through testing.

Conducting A/B tests allows you to experiment with different color variations and gather data on user behavior and conversion rates. This empirical approach helps you make data-driven decisions and refine your brand colors for optimal results.

Here’s how you can effectively test and refine your brand colors:

  • Set Clear Objectives: Before you start testing, define specific objectives for your tests. For example, you may want to increase click-through rates on your call-to-action buttons, improve overall engagement, or boost conversion rates. Having clear objectives helps you measure the success of different color variations accurately.
  • Choose Testing Variables: Select the variables you want to test, such as button colors, background colors, or even the color of your logo. By focusing on one variable at a time, you can isolate its impact and gather precise insights. Avoid testing multiple variables simultaneously, as it can be challenging to determine the exact cause of any observed changes.
  • Implement A/B Tests: Create two versions of your web page or design — one with the original brand colors (control) and another with the variation you want to test (variation). Use A/B testing tools to randomly divide your website visitors into two groups, ensuring that each group sees only one version. Track user interactions, click-through rates, conversions, and other relevant metrics to compare the performance of the control and variation.
  • Analyze Results: Once you’ve collected sufficient data, analyze the results of your A/B tests. Determine which variation performed better in terms of your predefined objectives. Look for statistically significant differences in metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, or engagement. Data analysis tools and statistical significance calculators can help you interpret the results accurately.
  • Iterate and Optimize: Based on the results of your A/B tests, iterate and refine your brand colors accordingly. Implement the winning variation or make further modifications to continue improving performance. Repeat the testing process whenever you make significant changes to your website or brand identity.

Remember, A/B testing is an ongoing process. Consumer preferences, trends, and market dynamics can evolve over time, so regularly revisit and test your brand colors to stay aligned with your target audience’s expectations and preferences.

Dive Deeper: 16 Branding Trends to Increase Awareness

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency is crucial when it comes to brand colors. It’s not enough to select the right colors; you must also ensure their consistent implementation throughout your website. By maintaining a cohesive brand color palette, you establish a strong visual identity that resonates with your audience.

Inconsistencies in brand colors can confuse visitors and dilute your brand message. Make sure to define brand color guidelines that outline the specific shades, combinations, and usage rules. Consistency across various elements like logos, backgrounds, buttons, and text helps reinforce brand recognition and instill trust in your audience.

Last Words on Harnessing the Power of Your Brand Color

Your brand color is not merely a matter of aesthetics but rather a strategic component in driving conversions and building a strong brand identity.

Remember that the right brand colors are unique to each website and audience. What works for us may not work for your brand, and vice versa. The only true way of knowing that is to test various colors with your brand and gauge how your audience behaves.

If you tap into the mindset of your audience, apply it to color psychology and run the right A/B tests, you will inevitably find the perfect balance that captivates your audience and drives them to take meaningful action on your website.

If you’re ready to grow your business, Single Grain’s marketing & growth experts can help!👇

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Repurposed from our Marketing School podcast.

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How to Reduce Customer Churn and Build Lasting Relationships Thu, 15 Jun 2023 15:00:34 +0000 Your customer churn rate has a significant impact on your business, leading to lost revenue and hindered growth. It’s integral for every company to get a grip on what is...

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Your customer churn rate has a significant impact on your business, leading to lost revenue and hindered growth. It’s integral for every company to get a grip on what is contributing to their churn rates and investigate what they can do to improve it.

In this blog post, we will explore key strategies to prevent customer churn and enhance customer retention.

As we identify the reasons behind churn and how to implement targeted solutions, you will be equipped with the knowledge of how to strengthen your customer relationships and improve your bottom line.

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Understanding the Causes of Customer Churn

In the quest to reduce customer churn and improve retention rates, it is vital to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that lead customers to cancel or discontinue their services. Merely speculating or making assumptions about the causes of churn can be unreliable and potentially counterproductive.

To obtain accurate and actionable insights, it is crucial to engage in direct conversations with your customers through surveys and personal phone calls, allowing you to gather valuable feedback straight from the source.

Let’s touch on some of the steps you can take to hone in on your specific causes for customer churn:

  • Conducting Surveys and Personal Phone Calls: Surveys play a pivotal role in collecting feedback from your customers, as they provide an opportunity for individuals to express their opinions and concerns. However, it’s important to note that not all customers may be willing to participate in surveys. Use tools like Qualtrics to get this info:

pasted image 0 38

  • Unveiling the Root Causes: The feedback gathered through surveys and phone calls serves as a valuable resource for uncovering the root causes of churn. It reveals invaluable insights into customer perceptions, pain points, and dissatisfactions.
  • Prioritizing Fixable Issues: While analyzing the feedback received, pay special attention to the issues that are fixable within your business’s capabilities. This strategic approach ensures that your efforts are focused on addressing the concerns that have the greatest potential to impact your customer retention rates positively.

For example, if you discover that a significant number of customers cite the absence of specific features as a reason for their leaving, addressing this gap can significantly reduce churn in the future.

  • Moving Beyond Unfixable Factors: It is essential to recognize that not all factors contributing to churn are within your control or easily fixable. Some customers may churn due to reasons that are unrelated to your product or service, such as changes in their circumstances or personal preferences.

While it is crucial to acknowledge these factors, focusing excessively on unfixable issues can distract from actionable improvements that can be made. Instead, redirect your attention and efforts towards areas where you can genuinely make a difference, positively impacting your overall churn rates.

  • Harnessing Insights for Continuous Improvement: The information gathered from direct conversations, surveys, and data analysis serves as a foundation for continuous improvement. Regularly review and assess the feedback received to identify opportunities for refining your product or service, enhancing the customer experience, and addressing pain points.

This iterative approach fosters an environment of ongoing improvement, ensuring that you consistently deliver value and maintain strong customer relationships.

Related Content: Here’s How Targeting Cold, Warm & Hot Traffic Builds Successful Customer Relationships

Collecting and Analyzing Feedback

To gain valuable insights into customer churn and develop effective strategies for retention, it is essential to actively collect and analyze feedback from your customers.

When conducting customer surveys, it is crucial to encourage users to provide feedback before canceling their subscriptions. By inviting them to articulate their reasons in a concise sentence or two, you can extract actionable insights that can drive meaningful improvements.

Once you have amassed a substantial amount of feedback from your customers, the next step is to identify common responses and patterns.

Thoroughly analyze the collected data to uncover recurring themes and trends that shed light on the underlying causes of churn. Look for key indicators such as customers expressing that they no longer need the product or service, concerns related to cost or pricing, or instances where competitors are offering superior features or benefits.

Collecting and analyzing feedback is not a one-time activity but rather an ongoing process. Regularly assess the feedback received to identify emerging trends and new insights. By continually refining your understanding of customer needs and preferences, you can implement iterative improvements that drive continuous growth and customer satisfaction.

Related Content: What Should You Do When People Complain About Your Product or Service?

Implementing Customer Development

Customer development involves actively engaging with your customers to gain deeper insights into their experiences and expectations.

Schedule conversations with customers, both while they are active and after they churn, if possible. During these discussions, ask open-ended questions about:

  • their satisfaction levels
  • areas for improvement
  • suggestions for enhancing your product or service

This qualitative feedback can provide invaluable guidance for refining your offerings and addressing customer pain points.

Related Content: 9 Ways to Deliver the Best Digital Experience to Your Customers

Postmortem Analysis and Continuous Improvement

To foster a culture of churn prevention, conduct post-mortem analyses after every churn event: 3 Parts of a Post-Mortem Analysis

These reviews enable you to evaluate what went well, what needs improvement, and identify areas of opportunity.

These analyses (including customer feedback analyses) should not occur in silos. Collaborate with your product development, marketing, and customer success teams to share and discuss the insights gained. This cross-functional collaboration ensures a holistic approach to churn reduction, where the entire organization works together to enhance the customer experience and reduce churn rates.

Leveraging Sales Intelligence Tools

Sales intelligence tools, such as CallRail or Gong can significantly aid in reducing churn. These tools record sales and client calls, allowing you to gain insights and provide coaching to your team.Gong - how it works

Through careful analysis of these recorded interactions, you can identify areas where your team excels and areas that require improvement.

Recognizing the strengths of your team members allows you to reinforce successful strategies and provide them with positive reinforcement. On the other hand, pinpointing areas for improvement enables you to offer constructive feedback and targeted training, helping your team address customer concerns more effectively.

Related Content: 6 Customer Service Trends You Can’t Ignore

Quick Fixes: Mitigating Customer Churn with Temporary Solutions

While band-aid solutions are not long-term fixes, they can provide temporary relief and reduce churn.

Annual Billing Options

One effective way to encourage customers to commit for a longer period and reduce the likelihood of churn is by offering annual billing options at a discounted rate. By providing customers with the opportunity to pay for their subscription on a yearly basis, you incentivize them to make a longer-term commitment.

The cost savings associated with annual billing can be an attractive proposition, especially for budget-conscious customers. This approach not only increases customer retention but also improves the overall customer lifetime value (LTV):


When customers feel they are getting a better deal by opting for annual billing, they are more likely to stay on board and continue using your product or service.

Multiple Payment Methods

Another fast fix to consider is integrating alternate payment methods, such as PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, credit card or cash, into your payment options. And offering multiple payment options within PayPal, such as paying with a bank account or credit card, can significantly enhance the payment success rate and reduce failed charges.

Customers who prefer using PayPal as their payment method tend to experience fewer payment-related issues, as the platform provides a seamless and secure payment experience.

By facilitating smoother transactions and minimizing the chances of failed charges, you create a more convenient and reliable payment process for your customers. This, in turn, leads to improved customer satisfaction and increased retention rates.

Final Thoughts on Reducing Customer Churn for Your Business

Reducing customer churn requires a proactive approach that involves understanding the unique reasons behind your brand’s churn, actively seeking feedback, and implementing targeted solutions.

By collecting and analyzing customer feedback, engaging in customer development, conducting postmortem analyses, and leveraging sales intelligence tools, you can refine your offerings and enhance customer retention.

In short, you have to be willing to get down in the mud to discover why people are walking away from your brand. Then, and only then, can you truly get a grasp on what you need to change to improve your churn rate.

If you’re ready to grow your business, Single Grain’s marketing & growth experts can help!👇

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Repurposed from our Marketing School podcast.

The post How to Reduce Customer Churn and Build Lasting Relationships appeared first on Single Grain.

12 Best PPC Strategies to Easily Maximize Your ROAS Wed, 14 Jun 2023 20:00:15 +0000 A successful ad campaign starts with a well-planned PPC strategy. But if you’re new to pay-per-click advertising, you may not know where to begin. In this guide, you will learn...

The post 12 Best PPC Strategies to Easily Maximize Your ROAS appeared first on Single Grain.

A successful ad campaign starts with a well-planned PPC strategy. But if you’re new to pay-per-click advertising, you may not know where to begin.

In this guide, you will learn how to implement the top PPC strategies in your business. Whether you’re new to marketing or an experienced business owner looking to improve your advertising campaigns, these PPC marketing strategies will help you.

Let’s get started!

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What Is PPC Advertising?

PPC advertising is a popular form of online marketing where advertisers bid on keywords, paying a fee each time their ad is clicked. This auction-based model relies on bids on specific keywords or phrases to determine which ads are displayed in search engine results or on relevant websites.

For example, a company selling health insurance can bid on relevant keywords such as “affordable health insurance,” “medical coverage options” or “health insurance quotes.” When a user searches for these terms, the company’s paid search ads may appear at the top or bottom of the search engine results page based on the ad auction and PPC algorithm results.

If the user clicks on the ad, they will be directed to the company’s website or a landing page specifically designed for health insurance services.

Search engine marketing allows businesses to reach a specific audience, drive targeted traffic to their website, and potentially generate valuable conversions or sales.

Dive Deeper: Multi-Channel PPC Advertising Case Study: Boosting Your ROI

What Are the Types of PPC Advertising?

Here are the top ad types that you can run on different PPC platforms, like Google Ads, Bing Ads, Amazon, Facebook, and others:

  • Search Ads: Search ads are text-based ads that appear on search engines within the search network when users search for specific keywords or phrases:

Third headline and second description in text ads

  • Display Ads: Display ads are visually appealing banner or text ads that are placed on relevant websites within the Google Display Network:

Display ad shown on a relevant website

  • Remarketing Ads: Remarketing ads are targeted ads shown to users on social media, relevant websites, or search results that are shown to users who have previously visited a website or engaged with a brand:

how to do remarketing on google adwords. remarketing examples of ads on other websites

  • Shopping Ads: Shopping ads are specific to e-commerce businesses and display product images, prices, and other details. This type of PPC ads appear in search engine results pages when users search for specific products, showcasing relevant products from various online retailers:

Example of PPC ads appearing in search engine results pages

  • Video Ads: Video ads appear within video content on platforms such as YouTube or other ad networks. These ads can be in-stream, where they play before, during, or after the video content, or they can appear as display ads alongside the video player:

Screenshot of YouTube video showing a video ad

  • Social Media Ads: Social media native ads are ads displayed on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. They can be targeted to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, or behaviors. These ads can be in the form of text, images, videos, or a combination.:

OREO Cookie promoted Twitter ad

  • Amazon Ads: Provided by Amazon, the popular e-commerce platform, these ads offer several digital advertising opportunities for businesses to promote their products and reach potential customers on the platform:

example of peloton video ad on amazon

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12 PPC Advertising Strategies for Beginners

After deciding on the ad types you will incorporate into your marketing plan, you can focus on the best PPC ad strategies to maximize your chances of success. Follow these recommendations to drive valuable results for your business:

1) Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and typically contain three or more words, targeting a niche audience with higher purchase intent.

They have lower competition, resulting in a higher click-through rate (CTR) and lower cost per click (CPC). By being more specific, they attract highly targeted customers who are more likely to make a purchase, leading to increased CTR, a higher Ad Quality Score, and a reduction in irrelevant search terms.

Here is an excellent example of long-tail keywords for a PPC ads agency:Long-tail keywords -- head-term graphic visualization

Dive Deeper: Why You Should Use Long-Tail Keywords in Your SEO Campaign

2) Prepare Compelling Ad Copy

Create attention-grabbing ad copy to attract users to your ads and increase ads lead. Instead of focusing on product or service features, emphasize the benefits that customers will gain.

Include a clear and compelling call to action in your PPC ad copy. A strong CTA prompts readers to take the desired action, such as purchasing, signing up for a newsletter or contacting your business. Keep it concise, persuasive and convey a sense of urgency.

Here is an example of a PPC ad that leverages emotion in its ad copy:how to improve google ads ctr - example of an emotional ad

Dive Deeper: How to Create Compelling Text Ads on Google (with Examples)

3) Optimize Landing Pages for Conversions

Well-crafted landing pages are a vital part of your content marketing strategy. For best results, maintain message consistency between your ads and landing page, streamline the design to remove distractions and focus on highlighting key elements of your product or service.

For a seamless user experience, improve page load speed and craft compelling headlines highlighting the value proposition. Webpages that load quickly on all devices, especially mobile, help to boost search engine optimization. Also, don’t forget to use strong call-to-action (CTA) to encourage conversions.

Here is the anatomy of a basic PPC landing page:Drawing of optimal landing page design, highlighting location of logo, contact number, and a lack of navigation menu.

Dive Deeper: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a High-Converting Landing Page

4) Target at Least 3 PPC Platforms

Targeting at least three PPC platforms offers several advantages for advertisers.

By leveraging multiple platforms, you can expand your brand’s visibility and tap into new markets, reaching potential customers who may not be active on a single platform. This broader reach increases your chances of generating more traffic, leads and conversions.

Search engine advertising, such as Google PPC Ads, targets users actively searching for specific products or services, making it ideal for capturing high-intent traffic.

On the other hand, social media advertising platforms like Facebook Ads allow you to target users based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics, creating highly targeted search campaigns.

5) Set a Realistic Budget

Setting a PPC budget for your Google Ads campaign requires careful consideration and strategic planning.

Align your budget with your business goals and objectives. To determine an appropriate budget, conduct thorough keyword research, analyze industry benchmarks, and calculate your desired return on ad spend (ROAS).

Regularly monitor and adjust your budget based on performance data to optimize your PPC campaigns for maximum effectiveness. By taking a data-driven approach and continuously evaluating your budget, you can allocate your resources efficiently and achieve better results from your PPC advertising efforts.

The basic formula for determining your PPC budget is:

Monthly PPC Budget = (Desired Monthly Ad Spend) / (Average Cost Per Click) * (Estimated Monthly Clicks)

For instance, if the desired monthly ad spend is $2,500, the average cost per click is $1.50, and  the estimated monthly clicks are 2,000, the PPC budget will be:

Monthly PPC Budget = ($2,500) / ($1.50) * (2,000)

Monthly PPC Budget = $1,667

Once you get your monthly ad spend, you can divide the number by 30 for your daily ad spend.

Daily PPC Budget = (Desired Monthly Ad Spend) / (30)

In this case, it will be:

Daily PPC Budget = $1,667/30 = $56

6) Use Negative Keywords

Negative keywords in paid ads are specific keywords or phrases that you exclude from your Google Ads account to prevent your ads from being triggered by irrelevant or unrelated search queries.

Adding negative keywords can refine your targeting and ensure your ads are shown to a more relevant audience, increasing the chances of attracting qualified clicks.

To add negative keywords to your ad group, follow these steps:

  1. Identify irrelevant or unwanted keywords to exclude from triggering your ads.
  2. Navigate to your campaign in the Google Ads interface and select the ad group where you want to add negative keywords.
  3. Go to the “Keywords” or “Negative Keywords” section within the ad group settings.
  4. Click on the option to add negative keywords.
  5. Enter the negative keywords, ensuring they are formatted correctly and separated by commas or line breaks.
  6. Save your changes to apply the negative keywords to your ad group.

For example, for an e-commerce business selling dancing dolls online, here are some negative keywords to exclude from the campaign for both desktop and mobile users:

  • Free dancing dolls
  • Used dancing dolls
  • DIY dancing dolls
  • Dancing dolls costume ideas
  • Dance classes for dolls

This allows you to avoid irrelevant traffic from people searching for free or used dolls, DIY-related queries, or general information about costumes or dance classes. It also helps to focus your ad spend on reaching potential customers who are more likely to be interested in purchasing dancing dolls from your e-commerce store.

Dive Deeper:
* SEO Keyword Research Made Easy in 2023
* How to Rank on Page 1 of Google for Thousands of Keywords
* How Zero Search Volume Keywords Can Generate a Ton of Traffic

7) Leverage Ad Extensions

Ad extensions play a vital role in PPC strategy by providing additional information and functionality to your ads, making them more compelling and relevant to users.

The primary types of ad extensions include:

Example of call extension on Adwords Call Only Ads

example of sitelink


Vancouver Art Gallery in the SERPs with Google review extension

structured snippets example

By utilizing these ad extensions effectively, you can make your ads more informative and engaging, ultimately driving better results and maximizing the return on your PPC investment.

Dive Deeper: Google Ad Extensions: Everything You Need to Know

8) Use Responsive Ads

Responsive ads are a dynamic type of Google Ads format that automatically adjusts size, appearance, and format to fit various ad placements on mobile devices. They allow advertisers to provide multiple headlines, descriptions and images, and the ad platform combines and tests different combinations to optimize performance.

Here are some examples of responsive display ads for a sunglasses brand that are automatically selected based on the user device and query:​​What are Responsive Display Ads? Detailed Implementation Guide - MadMarTech

9) Use Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

Remarketing is a strategy that is designed to bring back customers who have bounced from your website after performing a certain action. The purpose, of course, is to persuade them to make a purchase.

Create specific remarketing lists based on user behavior or actions on your website:Remarketing list in Google Ads

For example, you can create lists for users who visited specific product pages, abandoned shopping carts, or completed a purchase.

Create a dedicated campaign or ad group within your Google Ads dashboard to target these lists. Doing so allows you to customize bids and ad messaging specifically for these audiences.

10) Use Life Events Targeting

Life events targeting is a feature in PPC advertising that allows brands to reach their target audience during significant life milestones or events. It enables you to target individuals who are currently experiencing or have recently gone through major life changes, such as getting married, moving to a new home, graduating from college or having a baby.

By aligning your ads with these significant moments, you can deliver more relevant and timely messages to capture the attention of users with unique needs or preferences during these transitional periods.

Create dedicated campaigns or ad groups targeting users experiencing particular life events. Customize your ad messaging and offer to resonate with their specific needs or aspirations.

Here is an example of a life event campaign on Facebook Ads:Facebook-life-events-user

11) Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)

Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) is a powerful feature in Google Ads campaigns that allows you to dynamically insert the user’s search query into your ad text, tailoring the ad copy to match the exact keywords users are searching for and creating a highly relevant and personalized ad experience. This is effective in increasing the ad’s visibility and click-through rates.

To do this, include the DKI code in the ad text where you want the dynamic keyword to appear with the following syntax: {keyword:default text}

  • {keyword} is the DKI placeholder that will be replaced with the user’s search query.
  • “default text” is an optional default value used if the keyword cannot be inserted.

For example, if your ad text is “Find {keyword:Great Deals} on Our Website”

  • When the user searches for “pizza” the ad will show “Find Pizza Deals on Our Website”
  • When the user’s search term doesn’t match any of your keywords, the ad will show “Find Great Deals on Our Website” 

12) Leverage Lookalike and Similar Audiences

Lookalike and similar audiences can be applied to your PPC campaigns, allowing you to target a broader set of potential customers who are more likely to engage with your ads and convert into customers.

To use your lookalike audience effectively, start by creating a seed audience consisting of your best and most loyal customers:

Facebook Lookalikes

This audience is the foundation for the ad platform to identify similar individuals.

Dive Deeper: Enterprise Advertising: How to Successfully Reach Your Target Audience

Conclusion: Leveraging Effective PPC Strategies

Harnessing the potential of PPC platforms like Google Ads is a powerful way to reach your target audience and increase conversions. However, achieving success in your ad campaigns requires a well-rounded approach.

Key elements such as effective keyword selection, compelling ad copy creation, and ROI-friendly landing page creation are cornerstones of an effective online advertising strategy.

By implementing the PPC strategies outlined in this article, you can generate more online sales and achieve a higher return on your ad spend.

If you’re ready to level up your business with effective PPC advertising, Single Grain’s paid ads experts can help!👇

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PPC Advertising FAQs

What are CPC, CTR and CPA in PPC strategy?

  • CPC (cost per click): the amount you pay for each click on your ad.
  • CTR (clickthrough rate): the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it.
  • CPA (cost per acquisition): the average cost of acquiring a customer through your ad campaigns.

What is the best way to increase click-through rates?

The best way to increase clickthrough rates is by creating a compelling and targeted ad copy that resonates with your target audience and makes your brand awareness PPC campaign successful.

How many keywords should I use per ad group?

For better organization and relevancy, you should have around 20-25 keywords per ad group.

How can I calculate my PPC ads returns on investment?

To calculate your PPC strategy return on investment (ROI), you need to subtract the total cost of your PPC campaigns from the total revenue generated by those campaigns.

After that, divide the result by the total cost and multiply by 100 to get the ROI percentage.

For example, if you spent $1,000 on PPC ads and generated $5,000 in revenue, your ROI would be (($5,000 – $1,000) / $1,000) * 100 = 400%. This means that for every dollar you invested in PPC, you earned $4 in return.

What are Quality Score and Ad Rank in PPC strategy?

Quality Score is a metric platforms like Google Ads use to measure the ad relevance and quality of keywords and landing pages.

Ad Rank is the position of your ad on the search engine results page, determined by factors like bid, Quality Score, and ad extensions.

What is the difference between retargeting campaigns and remarketing ads?

A retargeting campaign refers to the overall strategy of targeting past website visitors using techniques like cookie-based tracking while remarketing ads specifically pertain to the customized advertisements shown to these retargeted audiences.

Should I hire a PPC agency or manage campaigns in-house?

Hiring a specialized pay-per-click marketing agency will provide you with expertise, time savings, and access to advanced tools. They use different PPC marketing tools and Google Analytics accounts data to measure and optimize your campaigns on both desktop and mobile devices.

The post 12 Best PPC Strategies to Easily Maximize Your ROAS appeared first on Single Grain.

When Is It Acceptable to Have a High Churn Rate? Wed, 14 Jun 2023 18:00:46 +0000 Understanding and effectively managing your churn rate is crucial for long-term success. Your churn rate refers to the rate at which customers discontinue their association with your business, either by...

The post When Is It Acceptable to Have a High Churn Rate? appeared first on Single Grain.

Understanding and effectively managing your churn rate is crucial for long-term success.

Your churn rate refers to the rate at which customers discontinue their association with your business, either by canceling a subscription or ceasing to make purchases.

By recognizing the importance of churn rate and implementing strategies to anticipate and reduce it, you’ll be able to better plan and optimize your brand’s growth and retain a loyal customer base.

This post aims to shed light on the concept of churn rate, its calculation, and when it is acceptable for businesses to experience churn.

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Churn Rate Definition and Calculation

Churn rate refers to the rate at which customers discontinue their association with a business over a specific period. It is a key metric used to measure customer retention and loyalty.

Once you understand how to calculate your churn rate, you will be able to assess the health of your customer base and identify areas for improvement.

To determine your churn rate, divide the number of customers lost during a given time frame by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. The result is then multiplied by 100 to express it as a percentage.

simple customer churn rate formula with example

For example, if a business starts the month with 500 customers and loses 50 customers by the end of the month, the churn rate would be calculated as follows:

Churn Rate = (Lost Customers / Total Customers at the Start) x 100

In this case, the churn rate would be 10%:

(50 / 500) x 100 = 10%

Calculating churn rate on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly, allows businesses to track trends, identify patterns and assess the effectiveness of their customer retention strategies.

It is important to note a couple of things:

  • Your churn rate can be measured for different time periods, such as monthly, quarterly or annually, depending on the business’s preference and industry standards.
  • Your churn rate can be calculated for different segments of customers or specific products/services, providing further insights into the areas that require attention.

Dive Deeper: 4 Bullet-Proof Ways to Increase Customer Retention (and Increase Sales!)

5 Scenarios When High Churn Is Acceptable

Churn can be associated with a variety of events and circumstances that occur in businesses, especially with SaaS companies, where the nature of their service offering and company model is driven by constant changes and improvements.

Let’s take a look at a few of the leading reasons that contribute to churn – and why that’s okay in these situations.

1) Startups and Early Stages

When a business is in its infancy, high churn is generally expected and acceptable. As it takes time to establish a solid customer base, early-stage ventures often experience higher churn rates.

In fact, if you’re a startup, you should definitely be tracking your churn rate. This key metric tells you how many customers you’re losing every quarter or month. Entrepreneurs should be prepared for this reality and focus on acquiring valuable feedback from departing customers. This feedback serves as a roadmap for improving the product or service and reducing churn over time.

Although every startup business will have a different median churn rate, according to Baremetrics:

“Most early-stage SaaS companies I’ve observed typically have churn around 10-15% for the first year as they work out exactly what their product needs to do, then they’re able to reduce it pretty quickly.”

Related Content: SEO Strategy for Startups: How to Win in 2023

2) Market and Industry Factors

It’s important to consider that churn rates vary across industries. Some industries naturally exhibit higher churn rates than others:

Average Customer Retention By Industry (2023)

Studying industry benchmarks and standards can help your brand gain insights into the acceptable range of churn rates for your specific sector.

While reducing churn should always be a goal, understanding industry trends allows businesses to set realistic expectations and focus on optimizing other areas of their operations.

Related Content: SaaS CAC: A Guide to Customer Acquisition Costs

3) Strategic Business Shifts

In certain situations, churn becomes a necessary consequence of strategic decisions aimed at business growth or survival.

For instance, businesses expanding into new markets or targeting different customer segments may experience churn among their existing customer base. Additionally, during challenging market conditions that necessitate downsizing, some clients may no longer fit the revised service offering, resulting in churn.

Transparent communication and guiding customers to suitable alternatives can help maintain positive relationships during such transitions.

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4) Downsizing and Market Challenges

During challenging times when market conditions are tough and a company is confronted with the need to downsize, churn may become an unfortunate reality.

This is a situation observed across various industries, including big tech, where cuts and downsizing efforts are prevalent. While these actions are often kept behind the scenes, they serve as a means for businesses to adjust their operations in response to economic pressures.

In such cases, downsizing may entail switching client services and, consequently, churning out some clients. This means informing them that the company can no longer fulfill their requirements. Although it is regrettable to part ways with valued customers, this necessary measure is taken to align the organization with its new scale and capabilities.

When faced with downsizing, it is crucial to communicate openly and honestly with clients. Assure them that the decision is driven by the need to navigate challenging market conditions and maintain the company’s sustainability. Where appropriate, offer alternative solutions by recommending other providers with the capacity to serve their needs.

Related Content: 5 Ways to Re-Engage Those Long-Lost Customers

5) Business Model Pivot

Another scenario where churn can be considered acceptable is when a company decides to undergo a significant business model pivot:


This entails shifting the core focus or direction of the business, often towards an entirely different market or offering. In such cases, it is natural for some existing customers to become incompatible with the new business model or no longer aligned with the company’s target audience.

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Reducing Churn and Optimizing Growth

While some degree of churn may be inevitable, businesses must actively work to minimize it. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Enhance Onboarding and Customer Support: Investing in comprehensive onboarding sessions and proactive customer support can significantly reduce churn rates. Your brand can foster customer satisfaction and loyalty when you help your customers fully understand how to use the product or service and receive timely assistance when needed.
  • Continuously Add Value: To combat churn, businesses should consistently explore opportunities to provide additional value to their customers. This can be achieved through the introduction of new features, expanded services, or product enhancements. By continuously exceeding customer expectations, businesses can strengthen relationships and reduce the likelihood of churn.
  • Seek Customer Feedback: Regularly soliciting feedback from customers who churn is a valuable practice. Understanding their reasons for leaving can illuminate areas that require improvement. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can adapt their strategies, refine their offerings, and proactively address customer concerns to minimize future churn.

Related Content: How to Use UX Testing to Improve Your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Last Words on When a Higher Churn Rate Makes Sense

While churn rate may initially seem concerning, it’s important to recognize that certain scenarios warrant its presence.

Startups, industry-specific dynamics, and strategic business shifts can all contribute to acceptable churn rates. However, businesses should strive to optimize their operations and employ strategies to reduce churn over time.

Do not fret. So long as you incorporate and maintain effective onboarding, enhance customer support, continuously add value, and actively seek feedback, you can improve customer retention, increase revenue, and foster long-term growth for your business.

If you’re ready to grow your business, Single Grain’s marketing & growth experts can help!👇

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Repurposed from our Marketing School podcast.

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7 AI Marketing Tools to Streamline Your Digital Marketing Strategy Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:00:37 +0000 From Speak & Spell to ChatGPT, it’s safe to say we’ve finally arrived at the technological future we were promised. And now there are countless AI marketing tools that are...

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From Speak & Spell to ChatGPT, it’s safe to say we’ve finally arrived at the technological future we were promised. And now there are countless AI marketing tools that are as common as pens (remember them?) or screwdrivers to help us with our daily tasks.

AI tools are transforming the way we approach marketing, offering advanced capabilities and data-driven insights to optimize campaigns and drive revenue.

In this post, we’ll explore the top seven AI marketing tools that can revolutionize your digital marketing strategy and help you achieve greater results than ever before.

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7 AI Marketing Tools to Streamline Your Marketing Strategy

From email marketing to paid ads to content creation, here are seven excellent AI tools that will make your marketing tasks easier and more successful.

1) Seventh Sense AI: Enhancing Email Marketing with AI-powered AutomationSeventh Sense - AI software - home page

Seventh Sense understands that sending an email at the right moment can significantly impact open rates, engagement and, ultimately, revenue generation. Traditional email marketing approaches often fall short when it comes to timing, as messages may get lost or buried in crowded inboxes. However, Seventh Sense takes a data-driven approach to address this challenge.

Through AI-led data analytics, this AI tool integrates with popular email marketing platforms like HubSpot, allowing marketers to gain valuable insights into recipient behavior and preferences. The tool collects and analyzes data on when individuals are most likely to engage with their emails, providing actionable recommendations for optimal delivery times.

Through its seamless integration with HubSpot, this tool enables marketers to schedule email campaigns to be sent at the precise moment when recipients are most likely to engage.

The AI-powered algorithms of Seventh Sense consider various factors when determining the optimal delivery time for each recipient, including:

  • historical data on open rates
  • click-through rates
  • recipient behavior patterns

In analyzing this data, Seventh Sense identifies patterns and trends, allowing marketers to make data-backed decisions and improve the effectiveness of their email campaigns.

Related Content: AI for Marketing: Best Examples of How AI Helps in Advertising

2) Creating Powerful Ads with AI Creative ToolsAd Creative - AI powered - home page

Crafting compelling and visually appealing ads is vital for capturing audience’s attention. With, an artificial intelligence-powered ad and social creative tool, you can easily generate stunning ads. Their machine learning model continues to learn regularly and “provides up-to-date creatives with a sole purpose: conversion.”

Given the ideal prompts, you’ll receive excellent results. Brands like Under Armor and Tesla (seen in the image above) have already benefited from this tool, creating eye-catching creatives that drive engagement and conversions. This AI-powered solution enables businesses to streamline their ad creation process and deliver impactful campaigns.

The tool boasts an impressive portfolio of pre-designed ad templates that cover various industries and formats: sizing for social posts and advertising

These templates serve as a starting point, providing a foundation for marketers to customize and tailor their ad creatives to align with their brand identity and campaign objectives.

Related Content: 11 Creative Fashion Ads to Inspire Your Own Campaign

3) Streamlining SEO Content Creation with AI - AI tool - home page

Driving organic traffic is a cornerstone of successful digital marketing. is an innovative tool that automates SEO-enhanced content creation.

Comparable to SurferSEO (which is another favorite of ours), it provides an SEO score for your content, ensuring that it meets the best practices for search engine optimization. While the tool does all the heavy lifting, it’s essential to prompt it accurately and ask the right questions.

In addition to on-page optimization, also offers insights and recommendations for off-page SEO factors. This includes analyzing backlinks, social signals and other external factors that influence search engine rankings.

Furthermore, enables marketers to conduct in-depth keyword research effortlessly. By analyzing search volume, competition, and relevance, the tool suggests relevant keywords that can be strategically incorporated into the content: AI keyword research

This helps marketers target the right audience and optimize their content for specific search queries, increasing the likelihood of attracting organic traffic.

Related Content: 17 Effective SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic in 2023

4) Optimove: Unleashing the Power of Customer DataOptimove - AI tool customer data - home page

Data is a valuable asset for any marketing team, but harnessing its full potential can be challenging. That’s where Optimove comes into play.

This AI-powered tool consolidates data from various sources and provides actionable insights to drive better-informed decisions. Optimove analyzes your data, identifies trends and recommends specific actions for your team to take. If you follow its recommendations, you can maximize the output of your marketing efforts and achieve the results you need.

This tool serves as a centralized hub for collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as customer interactions, website behavior, social media engagements, and more. The platform offers a comprehensive view of your customers and their preferences, helping you gain a deeper understanding of their behaviors and needs.

The power of Optimove lies in its advanced AI algorithms that leverage machine learning techniques to identify patterns and trends within the data.

One of the key features is its ability to generate actionable tasks based on the analyzed data. It automatically identifies opportunities for optimization and growth, providing specific recommendations to your marketing team. These recommendations can range from personalized messaging and tailored offers to targeted campaigns and customer retention strategies.

Optimove ensures that the insights gained from the team member data are effectively implemented into your marketing strategies. Plus, it goes beyond simply providing recommendations — it also acts as a task manager for your marketing team.

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5) Mastering Your YouTube Thumbnails with AIMagic Thumbnails - AI tool - home page

With, you can bid farewell to the painstaking process of manually designing and testing multiple thumbnails.

The tool simplifies the entire process by leveraging artificial intelligence to automatically generate a wide range of thumbnail options based on the title and content of your video. You can choose from a variety of layouts, styles and designs, ensuring that your thumbnail captures the essence of your video and entices potential viewers. offers a cost-effective solution. For a nominal fee, you can create thumbnails in bulk, with pricing options based on the quantity you need. For instance, you can generate 40 thumbnails for just $5 or 80 thumbnails for $10, making it an affordable choice for creators who want to experiment and test different visual elements without breaking the bank.

This AI-powered tool is particularly valuable for marketers who want to replicate the success of popular YouTubers without investing excessive time or money in thumbnail creation.

While influencers like MrBeast may spend a fortune and dedicate significant effort to perfecting their thumbnails, you can achieve impressive results with, saving valuable resources and focusing on creating compelling content.

6) Phrasee: Personalize Your Content with AI OptimizationPhrasee - AI tool - home page

While many marketers are familiar with AI tools like ChatGPT for content creation, Phrase goes beyond that by enabling AI content creation for every element of your marketing materials. This tool helps you test and optimize each component to identify what performs best with your audience.

Let’s take a look at a landing page, for example. You want to optimize each element to maximize its impact on your target audience. Phrasee helps you create multiple variations of headlines, images, CTAs, and paragraph text and test them in real-world scenarios. The AI algorithms analyze the performance of each variant, providing you with data-driven insights on what resonates best with your audience.

The tool’s ability to test and optimize various elements in a systematic manner saves you time and effort, ensuring that your content consistently delivers the best results.

What sets Phrasee apart is its focus on data-driven decision-making. It can provide you with actionable steps to fine-tune your content strategy in an ongoing rhythm, keeping your content constantly aligned with your audience’s preferences and expectations.

7) Jasper: Streamline Content Creation with Intuitive UXJasper - AI tool - home page

One of the key advantages of Jasper is its user-friendly design. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a beginner, you’ll find the platform easy to navigate and utilize effectively. The tool’s intuitive interface guides you through the content creation process, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise:

Jasper AI blog post creation interface

Jasper leverages the power of OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology to generate high-quality content. With GPT-3 as its foundation, the tool can generate engaging headlines and well-written blog posts, saving you valuable time and effort. The AI algorithms analyze your input and provide content suggestions that align with your objectives, ensuring that your messaging is clear, compelling and relevant.

The strength of this tool lies in its simplicity and ease of use. Rather than wrestling with complex content creation platforms or outsourcing to professional copywriters, you can rely on this AI-powered tool to generate impactful content in a fraction of the time.

Furthermore, Jasper’s AI capabilities continue to evolve, thanks to ongoing advancements in natural language processing and machine learning. As the tool’s algorithms become more sophisticated, marketers can expect even better results in terms of content quality and effectiveness.

While there is always some uncertainty when relying on AI-powered tools built on platforms like GPT-3, Jasper has shown promise and garnered recognition in the industry. Its impressive user experience, coupled with its ability to generate compelling content, positions it as a valuable asset for marketers seeking efficient and effective content creation solutions.

Related Content: How to Make Your Content Stand Out When Everyone Is Using AI

Wrapping Up Our Top 7 AI Marketing Tools Picks for 2023

The advent of AI in our industry is groundbreaking, making us redefine processes and reevaluate how we can accomplish the same old tasks. Minutiae are progressively being eliminated from the equation, and our time is being freed up to think more critically.

With the help of AI tools like Seventh Sense, and Optimove, you can access new levels of efficiency and precision. These tools can help you automate tasks, make data-driven decisions, and create captivating campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

If you’re ready to level up your business with AI marketing, Single Grain can help! 👇

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Repurposed from our Marketing School podcast.

The post 7 AI Marketing Tools to Streamline Your Digital Marketing Strategy appeared first on Single Grain.

Top 100 Advertising Revenue Statistics to Inform Your Campaign Tue, 13 Jun 2023 20:00:47 +0000 Keeping an eye on the latest internet advertising revenue statistics gives you an edge over your competitors. Online marketers need to stay updated about the latest marketing and internet advertising...

The post Top 100 Advertising Revenue Statistics to Inform Your Campaign appeared first on Single Grain.

Keeping an eye on the latest internet advertising revenue statistics gives you an edge over your competitors.

Online marketers need to stay updated about the latest marketing and internet advertising trends to minimize ad spend and maximize economic growth. This knowledge also helps you better understand the success of a digital promotion campaign.

Here are the 100 most important ad revenue stats for this year and ahead to help your business growth.

Let’s begin!

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Global Advertising Revenue: PPC and Social Media Ad Stats

Here are the internet ad revenue statistics to help you plan your digital marketing strategy:

PPC Advertising Revenue Statistics

  • In 2023, ad spending in the digital advertising market is expected to reach $118.20 billion USD. (Statista)
  • Conversion rates can be boosted beyond 40% by combining similar audiences with display remarketing campaigns. (Techjury)
  • U.S. digital ad spending is expected to reach over $390 billion by 2027. (Insider Intelligence)

US Digital Ad Spending, 2021-2027 (billions, % change, and % of total media ad spending)

  • Brands earn an average revenue of $2 for every $1 spent on a PPC ad. (WebFX)
  • PPC campaigns are reported to be a substantial driver for 79% of brands, contributing to their business and sales growth. (Startupbonsai)
  • The average money spent on running a PPC campaign for small to mid-sized businesses is $9000 to $10000. (WebFX)
  • For Search Ads, the average cost per acquisition across all industries and target markets is $41.40. (WordStream)
  • B2B PPC campaigns cost between $115,000 and $122,000 on average. (Techjury)
  • In the market for search advertising, the average ad expenditure per average user of the internet is expected to reach $378.60 in 2023. (Statista)
  • About 63% of people are more likely to click on paid search ads on Google (63%), which is higher than any other search engine – Amazon (15%), YouTube (9%), and Bing (6%) (Digital Third Coast)
  • The average cost per click for the Google Search Network ranges from $1 to $2. (Seosandwitch)
  • Bing Ads demonstrate an average click-through rate (CTR) of 2.83% across all industries. (Startupbonsai)
  • As much as 80.5% of Google’s revenue comes from pay-per-click ads. (Websitebuilder)
  • Compared to people who click on organic search results, visitors who click on a PPC ad are 50% more likely to make a purchase. (Valve+Meter)
  • Digital advertising can raise brand recognition by 80%. (Techjury)
  • Bing’s CPCs cost 20% lower than Google’s, on average. (Embryo)
  • For PPC, 80% of firms utilize Google Ads, which is a large portion of the advertising industry. (Demand Sage)
  • In Google Ads, 77% of advertisers intend to raise their ad spend in 2023. (Demand Sage)
  • In 2023, Meta and Google are projected to represent 50.5% of total digital ad expenditure. (Websiterating)
  • In fiscal year 2022, Microsoft earned around 11.59 billion dollars from search advertising. (Statista)
  • In 2023, Google’s ad revenue is expected to rise by 9.5%. (Demand Sage)
  • By 2023, Amazon is anticipated to experience a rise in its digital ad revenue share, reaching 7.1%, whereas Google’s share is projected to reach 28.6%. (Websiterating)
  • The top three PPC ad positions account for over 50% of mobile conversions. (KlientBoost)
  • Compared to SEO, PPC generates twice as many visitors. (Techjury)
  • Publishers earn 68% of the revenue when using AdSense for content. (Websiterating)
  • PPC advertising generates 50% higher conversion rates than organic advertising, resulting in increased traffic. (Small Biz Genius)

Dive Deeper:
* PPC for Ecommerce: 8 Effective Best Practices
* Demystifying PPC Pricing Packages: Optimizing Ad Campaigns
* Enterprise Paid Ads: A Guide to Landing High-Value Clients with PPC

Mobile Advertising Revenue Statistics

  • In 2021, the Global Mobile Advertising Market was valued at USD 116.4 Billion, and it is projected to reach USD 397.2 Billion by 2028. The market is anticipated to experience a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.7% throughout the forecast period, indicating substantial growth. (LinkedIn)
  • For non-gaming apps, in-app ad revenue is anticipated to increase by 6.2%, while for gaming apps, by 19.1%. (WebFX)
  • The number of mobile users will reach 7.49 billion by 2025. (Truelist)

Forecast Number of Mobile Users in the World From 2020 to 2025

  • 38% of consumers who have encountered voice ads on smart speakers perceive them as less intrusive. Additionally, 39% of consumers find voice ads to be more engaging. (Oberlo)​​

voice search statistics graphic7

  • Mobile advertisements account for nearly three-quarters (73%) of Facebook’s total ad revenue. (Business Insider)
  • Google ads on the search network achieve an average click-through rate (CTR) of 4.10%, while the display network achieves a CTR of 0.60%. (Colorlib)
  • 60% of all digital advertising expenditures worldwide are made on mobile devices. (Luisa Zhou)
  • During the first half of 2022, the global viewability rate for mobile web display ads reached 66.9%, indicating that nearly 67% of display ads on the mobile web were visible during that period. This represents a growth of 3.6 percentage points compared to the second half of 2020. (Statista)
  • Mobile ads are eating up TV advertisement share. The percentage of mobile ads was 47% in 2022, up from 33% in 2018. (Acquisio)

mobile advertising ad spend has exceeded tv advertising spend

  • Facebook mobile ads that incorporate images tend to be significantly more effective, with a likelihood of being at least 75% more impactful compared to simple text ads. (Appmysite)
  • During the initial quarter of 2022, the global gross app revenue in the Google Play store reached approximately $11 billion USD, securing the top position in terms of revenue generation. (Enterprise Apps Today)
  • The mobile advertising industry encompasses key regions such as North America, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. North America holds the largest market share among these regions, signifying its prominence in the industry. (Expert Market Research)
  • 7.33 billion people will use mobile globally by 2023, increasing the potential of generating revenues through mobile advertising. (TrueList)
  • 72% of U.S. consumers engage with voice search using digital assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant. (Oberlo)
  • If your website is not optimized for mobile, you lose 61% of users. (TrueList)
  • Among mobile users, 14% of horizontal video ads capture the attention of 30% of viewers, whereas the majority of users engage with up to 90% of vertical video ads. (Publift)

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Influencer Advertising Revenue Statistics

  • 9 out of 10 marketers agree that influencer promotion is effective. (Oberlo)
  • According to a research by Tomoson, businesses are generating a return of $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing. The survey further revealed that marketers consider influencer marketing their fastest-growing online customer-acquisition channel, surpassing the growth of organic search and email marketing. (Tomoson)
  • Influencer advertising generates up to 11 times more ROI than any other type of digital marketing strategy. (Grin)
  • Micro-influencers account for half of all influencers. (Shopify)
  • Micro-influencers earn commissions ranging from 5% to 30%. Larger influencers typically fall within the 8% to 12% commission range. (Hootsuite)
  • Influencers with millions of followers earn an average income of more than $15,000. (Neal Schaffer)

how much instagram influencers earn by account size | HypeAuditor

  • Since 2019, the global influencer market has more than doubled. The market is valued at a record $21.1 billion dollars in 2023. (Statista)
  • Approximately 40% of Twitter users have reported making a purchase directly influenced by a tweet from an influencer. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  • In a global study of PR agencies conducted in 2023, 39% of participants indicated they work with up to 10 influencers, while 14% said they worked with more than a thousand. (Statista)
  • Compared to other forms of promotion, word-of-mouth marketing increases client retention by 37%. (WebFX)
  • Another social media stat worth noting is that almost 40% of B2B marketers intend to increase their use of influencer marketing in the future. (Grin)
  • Cristiano Ronaldo, with an Instagram following of 423 million, commands a price range of $620k to $1M for a single post. Similarly, Dwayne Johnson, the Hollywood action movie star with 154 million Instagram followers, charges between $504k and $840k for an Instagram post. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  • Influencer Marketing delivers an impressive 11 times the return on investment (ROI) compared to banner ads. Households showed a 10% increase in purchasing Silk products compared to the control group. For every 1,000 individuals who viewed influencer marketing, their collective purchases of Silk products amounted to $285 more than the control group. (Convince and Convert)

Graph showing ROI vs average display ad

  • Consumers trust the advice of influencers 61% of the time. (Social Shepherd)
  • 50.7% of businesses working with influencers are online store owners. (Shopify)
  • As high as 93% of Millennials trust online reviews and rely on them to make well-informed decisions. These reviews are considered as trustworthy and credible as recommendations from friends or family members. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  • India tops the list of countries with the maximum number of Instagram users having 229.55 million users in January 2023. (Statista)

Dive Deeper: Influencer Marketing Strategy: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business with Brand Partnerships

Display Advertising Revenue Statistics

  • The global programmatic display ad spend is projected to reach $558 million in 2023. This represents a significant 13.1% growth compared to the previous year and nearly double the amount recorded in 2019. (ROI Revolution)
  • Further, global digital advertising spending is estimated to rise from $521.02 billion USD in 2021 to a substantial $876 billion USD by the year 2026. This signifies a significant growth trajectory in the digital advertising industry. (Gitnux)
  • The market for display ads is expanding at a 12% rate yearly. (Meetanshi)
  • Responsive display ads offer notably high click-through rates (CTRs). Here is an example of a  Google Ads campaign tested by David Miles, an expert commentator from Smart Insights. The responsive ads achieved a CTR of 0.49% compared to banner ads, which was way behind at 0.06%. (Smart Insights)

Google responsive display adsGoogle responsive display adsGoogle responsive display adsThis example of CTRs compared a Google Ads campaign provided by Smart Insights Expert

  • Programmatic ads are helpful in reaching the target audience faster. Over 90% of display advertising spending worldwide is expected to go toward programmatic ads in 2023. (Meetanshi)
  • While the Large Rectangle (336×280) size usage dominated the ad landscape last year, it was replaced by the 300×250 size in 2022. Interestingly, the Large Rectangle ad size was absent from the top five ad sizes used in 2022. (Creatopy)

most used display ad sizes

  • Across all industries and demographics, the Google Ads network has an average click-through rate of 0.46%. (Meetanshi)
  • The leaderboard banner size, commonly known as 728 x 90, is the most frequently used for display ads, used by 57% of advertising. (Meetanshi)
  • In 2023, U.S. native advertising will make up 59.7% of all display advertising. (Insider Intelligence)
  • Display advertising in the United States will make up 43.8% of media spending in 2023. (emarketer)
  • In 2023, U.S. display advertising is anticipated to rise 15.5% to reach $165.84 billion. Compared to 2022, its growth rate is 5.4% lower. (eMarketer)
  • 90% of all internet users are reached through the Google Display Network. (Google)
  • When compared to standard display advertising, marketers who use smart display campaigns see a 20% increase in conversions at the same CPA. (Google)
  • For display adverts, the standard CPA is $76. (WordStream)
  • Native ads generate 53% more views than traditional display ads. (99 Firms)

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Video Ad Revenue Statistics

  • In 2022, more people spent on video advertising, which reached nearly $75 billion U.S. dollars, representing approximately 30% of the total worldwide expenditure on display ads. The United States was the top country in terms of video ads spending, with China and the United Kingdom following closely behind. (Statista)
  • 50% of Instagram users (both Gen Z and Millennials) have visited a website to make a purchase after viewing an advertisement on Instagram Stories. (Dash)

How IG stories influence conversions

  • 96% of advertisers acknowledge the importance of using video as a key component of their marketing plan. (Popupsmart)
  • Compared to other material types, 51% of individuals are more likely to share videos with their friends and family. (Sprout Social)
  • During the first fiscal quarter of 2023, YouTube surpassed analysts’ expectations by generating $6.69 billion in advertising revenue, outperforming the projected figure of $6.6 billion. (Techcrunch)
  • Video is already being used as an advertising tool by 87% of companies. (Neal Schaffer)
  • In 2023, 92% of marketers have agreed that video gives them an excellent return on investment. This percentage is up from 76% in 2016. (Wyzowl)

Graph showing percentages of marketers who say video has given them a good ROI

  • A video on your landing page at least doubles conversion rates by 80%. (Neal Schaffer)
  • 73% of B2B companies reported that video content positively influenced their ROI figures. (Explain Ninja)
  • At least 88% of marketers are happy with their figures and return on their video investment. (Neal Schaffer)
  • 39% of video advertisers believe it is getting more expensive. (Wyzowl)
  • According to 63% of video advertisers, one factor they use to gauge the ROI for their video content is the number of views. (Wyzowl)
  • Customer engagement and retention are key measures that 42% of video advertisers use to calculate the effectiveness of their video content. (Wyzowl)

Dive Deeper:
* Spotify Ads 101: How to Run Successful Audio and Video Ads
* 9 Tips for Creating Instagram Video Ads that Actually Generate Sales
* 8 Benefits of Video Ads: Why You Need Them in Your Advertising Strategy

Social Media Ad Revenue Statistics

  • Instagram offers the highest ROI at 25% on social media advertising spending, while Twitter ads offer the lowest at 6%. (HubSpot)

Social media best ROI chart by platform

  • Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are used by 54% of internet users to research products and services. (GlobalWebIndex)
  • Another leading social media statistics is that 87% of advertisers use social media ads, making it one of the most popular marketing promotion methods. (WebFX)
  • 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching a video on social media. (Biteable)
  • Social listening is an effective social media marketing strategy, say 62% of advertisers. (HubSpot)
  • By 2027, it is currently anticipated that mobile will account for 130.5 billion of all social media ad spending globally. (Sprout Social)
  • An average Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month. (Websitebuilder)
  • In 2024, Facebook ad revenue is projected to rise to $75.11 billion. (Hootsuite)
  • Facebook ad revenue in the United States amounted to $50.57 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $56 billion by 2024. (Statista)
  • In 2023, it is expected that social media advertising will cost $268 billion overall. (Sprout Social)
  • Among advertisers, retargeting advertisements are best for reaching your potential audience, as indicated by 77% of B2B and B2C marketers who incorporate them into their Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns. (Sprout Social)
  • TikTok offers the highest engagement rates at 4.25%, which is way higher than Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. (Sprout Social)

Graph of social media engagement rates by followers

  • 29% of marketers anticipate spending more on Instagram than any other medium in 2023. (Sprout Social)
  • Around 26% of the clicks on Facebook ads result in a purchase. (99 Firms)
  • American adults use Twitter every day for an average of 34.8 minutes. (Sprout Social)
  • Approximately 33% of individuals choose to click on a paid search advertisement as it directly addresses their specific search inquiry. (Embryo)
  • Facebook ads that leverage advanced targeting to beat ever-growing competition are used by more than 90% of marketers worldwide. (Wazile)
  • Of all social media marketing services, short-form video delivers businesses the highest return on investment. (Sprout Social)

Dive Deeper: Top 8 Benefits of Social Media Advertising

Last Word on Advertising Revenue Statistics

An effective online advertising strategy enables you to enhance your business revenue. Keeping an eye on the current advertising data helps you evaluate the growth of your advertising campaigns against your digital ad spend.

Use the above latest global ad spend stats to outsmart your competitors and generate a higher return on advertising spend (ROAS).

If you’re ready to level up your business with strategic advertising, Single Grain’s paid ads experts can help!👇

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The post Top 100 Advertising Revenue Statistics to Inform Your Campaign appeared first on Single Grain.
